ruby-fuzzyurl | | Library for non-strict parsing, construction, and wildcard-matching of URLs |
ruby-gyoku | | Translates Ruby Hashes to XML |
ruby-haml | | XHTML & CSS markup language & template engine |
ruby-hikidoc | | Text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers |
ruby-hpricot | | Fast, enjoyable HTML parser for Ruby |
ruby-html-parser | | HTML-parser package for Ruby |
ruby-htree | | Tree data structure which represent HTML and XML data for Ruby |
ruby-inifile | | INI file reader and writer |
ruby-itex2MML | | Ruby binding for itex2MML |
ruby-json | | Native extension implementation of JSON for Ruby |
ruby-json-pure | | Pure Ruby implementation of JSON |
ruby-kramdown | | Pure-Ruby Markdown-superset parser and converter |
ruby-kramdown-parser-gfm | | Kramdown parser for the GFM dialect of Markdown |
ruby-levenshtein | | Calculates the Levenshtein distance between two byte strings |
ruby-libxml | | Support module for libxml2 library |
ruby-mab | | Markup as Ruby, write HTML in plain Ruby |
ruby-marisa | | MARISA ruby module |
ruby-markaby | | HTML Markup as Ruby |
ruby-maruku | | Markdown-superset interpreter |
ruby-mecab | | MeCab ruby module |
ruby-multi_json | | General-purpose swappable JSON backend library |
ruby-native-hyperestraier | | Ruby native interface of Hyper Estaier |
ruby-nokogiri | | HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parser with XPath and CSS selector support |
ruby-nori | | XML to Hash translator |
ruby-nqxml | | XML parser written in pure Ruby |
ruby-oniguruma | | Fast regular expression library |
ruby-plist | | Manipulate Property List files |
ruby-pure-hyperestraier | | Ruby pure interface of Hyper Estaier |
ruby-pygments.rb (V) | | Pygments wrapper for ruby |
ruby-rails-dom-testing | | Ruby module to compare DOMs |
ruby-rdiscount | | Converts documents in Markdown syntax to HTML |
ruby-rdtool | | RD (Ruby Document) converter to HTML/man/etc |
ruby-redcarpet | | Markdown that smells nice |
ruby-redcloth | | Textile library for Ruby |
ruby-review | | Re:VIEW: a easy-to-use digital publishing system |
ruby-rison | | Ruby implementation of Rison - Compact Data in URIs |
ruby-ronn (V) | | Manual authoring tool |
ruby-rttool | | RT to HTML (and hopefully LaTeX in future) table converter |
ruby-safe_yaml | | Parse YAML safely |
ruby-sary | | Ruby Binding of Sary |
ruby-simple-rss | | Simple, flexible, extensible, and liberal RSS and Atom reader |
ruby-stringex | | Some (hopefully) useful extensions to Rubys String class |
ruby-stringex1 | | Some (hopefully) useful extensions to Rubys String class |
ruby-strings | | Set of useful functions for transforming strings |
ruby-strings-ansi | | Methods for processing ANSI escape codes in strings |
ruby-syntax | | Ruby lexical analysis framework |
ruby-temple | | Template compilation framework in Ruby |
ruby-terminal-table | | Simple, feature rich ascii table generation library |
ruby-text | | Collection of text algorithms for Ruby |
ruby-textpow | | Library to parse and process Textmate bundles |
ruby-tilt | | Generic interface to multiple Ruby template engines |
ruby-toml | | Parser for a sane configuration format |
ruby-treetop | | Ruby-based text parsing and interpretation DSL |
ruby-ultraviolet | | Syntax highlighting engine based on Textpow |
ruby-unicode_utils | | Additional Unicode aware functions |
ruby-unicode-display_width | | Monospace Unicode character width in Ruby |
ruby-webunit (V) | | HTTP unit testing framework for Ruby |
ruby-will-paginate | | Pagination for views of model queries |
ruby-xapian | | Ruby bindings for Xapian search engine |
ruby-xhtmldiff | | Tool for generating valid XHTML redline documents |
ruby-xmlparser | | Ruby bindings to the Expat XML parsing library |
ruby-xpath | | Ruby DSL for generating XPath expressions |
ruby-xslt | | Ruby wrapper classes for libxslt |
ruby-yajl | | Ruby C binding to YAJL JSON library |
ruby-yamcha | | YamCha ruby module |
ruby-yard | | Documentation generation tool for the Ruby programming language |
sablotron | | XML toolkit implementing XSLT, DOM, and XPath |
sary | | Suffix array library and tools |
saxon | | Michael H. Kay's Java XSLT processor |
scdoc | | Simple man page generator |
scew | | Light-weight DOM-like object model API for Expat |
scrollkeeper-dtd | | DTD from the Scrollkeeper package |
sdop | | Simple DocBook processor |
serd | | Lightweight C library for RDF syntax |
sgrep | | Tool for searching and indexing text, SGML,XML and HTML files |
shared-desktop-ontologies | | Ontologies for Semantic Desktop |
sift | | Fast and powerful open source alternative to grep |
sonnet | | Spelling framework for Qt5 |
soprano | | QT based RDF framework |
sord | | Lightweight C library for storing RDF data in memory |
source-highlight | | Highlight syntax of various languages source into HTML document |
sphinxsearch | | Sphinx Full-Text Search Engine |
stardic | | English-Chinese dictionary |
stow (V) | | Maps several separate packages into a tree without merging them |
sub2srt | | Simple tool to convert 2 common subtitle formats to subviewer format |
sublib | | Library that eases the development of subtitling applications |
subliminal | | Video subtitles downloader |
subtitleripper | | Subtitle ripping program |
swath | | Smart Word Analysis for THai |
syntax-highlighting | | Syntax highlighting engine for structured text and code |
tcl-dom | | DOM implementation for use with TclXML or TclExpat |
tcl-expat | | XML parser implemented entirely in Tcl |
tcl-tDOM | | High performance XML data handling library for Tcl using Expat |
tcl-xapian | | Tcl bindings for Xapian search engine |
tcl-xml | | XML parser implemented entirely in Tcl |
tei | | DTD of the Text Encoding Initiative |
tei-p5-schema | | TEI P5 schema files |
tei-xsl | | XSLT Stylesheets to convert TEI to FO, HTML, and LaTeX |
tex-csvsimple | | Simple CSV file processing |
tex-csvsimple-doc | | Documentation for tex-csvsimple |