./www/py-flask-jwt-extended, Extended JWT integration with Flask

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Branch: pkgsrc-2020Q3, Version: 3.24.1, Package name: py37-flask-jwt-extended-3.24.1, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

Flask-JWT-Extended not only adds support for using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) to
Flask for protecting views, but also many helpful (and optional) features built
in to make working with JSON Web Tokens easier. These include:
* Support for adding custom claims to JSON Web Tokens
* Custom claims validation on received tokens
* Creating tokens from complex objects or complex object from received tokens
* Refresh tokens
* Token freshness and separate view decorators to only allow fresh tokens
* Token revoking/blacklisting
* Storing tokens in cookies and CSRF protection

Master sites:

SHA1: 19bd783012037b739d4a51bcc71f93d04c1e0e52
RMD160: 30a6eec30c85994bceb7c197b50175511d9844b5
Filesize: 30.519 KB

Version history: (Expand)