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kppp Dialer and front end for pppd
krdc KDE remote desktop client
krfb KDE desktop sharing
ktorrent Graphical BitTorrent client for KDE4
kubectl Command line tool lets you control Kubernetes clusters
kxmlrpcclient XML-RPC client library for KDE
LaBrea Builds tarpits/honeypots for scanners
lagrange Desktop GUI client for browsing Gemini
lambdamoo The definitive MOO software
lambdamoo-core Generic core classes for lambdamoo
lambdamoo-doc Documentation for lambdamoo
latd The linux-decnet project's LAT protocol suite
ldns Library for simplified DNS programming
lft Layer four traceroute capable of tracing protocol paths
lftp Powerful command line file transfer client
libares Asynchronous DNS resolver library
libasr Asynchronous DNS resolver library
libasyncns C library for executing name service queries asynchronously
libbind ISC Standard Resolver Library
libcares Asynchronous resolver library, c-ares
libcmis Client library for the CMIS interface
libdlna Reference DLNA open-source implementation
libdmapsharing3 Implementation of the DMAP family of protocols (v3)
libdnet C interface to several low-level networking routines
libexosip The Extended Open SIP library
libfetch Library to access HTTP/FTP server
libfilezilla Library for building high-performing, platform-independent programs
libgdata Google Data API based Glib client library
libgdata0.6 Google Data API based Glib client library
libIDL CORBA Interface Definition Language parser
libiscsi iscsi client library and utilities
libktorrent Torrent library split from KTorrent
liblive Set of C++ libraries for multimedia streaming
libmicrodns Minimal mDNS resolver (and announcer) cross-platform library
libmms Library for parsing mms:// and mmsh:// type network streams
libnice IETF's Interactive Connectivity Establishment standard implementation
libnids Network monitoring library with TCP/IP reassembly
libnipper Performs security audits of network device configuration
libnpupnp C++ reimplementation of the libupnp
libpcap System-independent interface for user-level packet capture
libquic Multiplexed stream transport over UDP
libquvi Library for quvi
libquvi-scripts Scripts for libquvi
libradius RADIUS client library
librsync Rsync-like rolling checksum library
libslirp User-mode networking library
libsoup HTTP library implementation in C
libsscript Simple library for creating network oriented software in C
libtelnet RFC-complient TELNET implementation as a C library
libtorrent BitTorrent library written in C++ for *nix
libtorrent-rasterbar Feature complete C++ bittorrent implementation
libtrace Library for trace processing
libupnp Portable Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) SDK
libvncserver Easy API to write one's own vnc server
libzrtpcpp ZRTP extension for GNU ccRTP
linc Network client/server library
lldpd 802.1ab (LLDP) implementation
llnlxdir Advanced graphical FTP client
llnlxftp Motif FTP client
lopster Yet another Gtk+ Napster clone
lua-copas Dispatcher based on coroutines that can be used by TCP_IP servers
lua-socket Network support for the Lua language
maguro Fast YouTube downloader with Rust-native bindings
maradns Secure DNS server for *NIX systems
mate-user-share MATE user-level file sharing
mbrowse Graphical SNMP MIB browser
mcast-tools IPv6 multicast routing daemons and tools
md-whois Improved whois client
mDNSResponder Apple's mDNS responder
mDNSResponder-nss Apple's mDNS responder - NetBSD nsswitch module
megatools Command line client for
microdc2 Console-based DirectConnect client
mikutter Simple, powerful, and moeful twitter client
mikutter-plugins-twitter Plugins for mikutter to use Twitter
mimms MMS (e.g. mms://) stream downloader
minitube YouTube desktop application
miniupnpc Client and library for UPnP IGD services
miniupnpd UPnP IGD service with NAT-PMP support
miredo Teredo IPv6 tunneling
mirror Mirror packages on remote sites
miruo Pretty-print TCP session monitor/analyzer
mitmproxy Interactive console program for inspecting and editing traffic flows
mkvserver_mk2 Streaming solution to end all streaming problems
mldonkey Free peer-to-peer client with eDonkey support and more
mldonkey-gui Free peer-to-peer client with eDonkey support and more (GTK interface)
modpcap Command line utility to modify pcap capture files
mono-nat C# library for uPnP management
monotorrent Open source bittorrent library
mosh Remote terminal application which allows roaming
mosquitto Open Source MQTT broker
mouse-pppoe PPP over Ethernet program by der Mouse
mping Mping network statistics collector
mrstat Track load and number of users on specified hosts
mrt Multi-threaded Routing Toolkit
mrtg The Multi-Router Traffic Grapher
msdl Media stream downloader
mtftpd Open-loop multicast TFTP server
mtr Traceroute and ping in a single graphical network diagnostic tool
mydns-mysql MySQL-based DNS server
mydns-pgsql PostgreSQL-based DNS server