tzosdclock | | OnScreen Display Clock for Multiple Timezones |
unclutter | | Remove idle cursor image from screen |
unibar | | Simple status bar in rust |
unicode-screensaver | | Screensaver that repeatedly randomly picks an unicode character |
uwm (V) | | X11R3 window manager |
vfontcap-kochi (V) | | Configuration file for VFlib to use kochi-ttf |
viewres | | Display widget class hierarchy of the Athena Widget Set |
vinagre (V) | | VNC client for GNOME |
vte | | Terminal widget with improved accessibility and I18N support |
vte029 | | Terminal widget with improved accessibility and I18N support |
vte3 | | Terminal widget with improved accessibility and I18N support |
wdm | | WINGs display manager |
windowmaker-desktop (V) | | Provides a desktop based on the WindowMaker wm |
wired-notify | | Lightweight notification daemon with customizable layout blocks |
wm2 (V) | | Minimalist window manager for X |
wmakerconf (V) | | Gtk+ based configuration tool for Window Maker |
wmavgload | | Another WindowMaker load gauge |
wmbiff (V) | | WindowMaker xbuffy-like mail-checker |
wmCalClock (V) | | Another WindowMaker calendar/clock dockapp |
wmextra (V) | | Extras for Window Maker window manager |
wmfire | | Displays generated fire according to system load |
wmfstatus | | General purpose 8x5 LCD screen for WindowMaker |
wmmail (V) | | WindowMaker xbiff-like mail-checker |
wmmoonclock (V) | | Shows lunar ephemeris to fairly high accuracy |
wmweather | | WindowMaker DockApp showing local weather conditions |
wmx (V) | | Another X11 window manager based on wm2 |
wmx-gnome (V) | | Another X11 window manager based on wm2, with GNOME compliance |
worker | | Highly configurable two-panes file manager for X11 |
wterm | | NeXTStep(tm) style X11 terminal emulator for WindowMaker |
wxGTK28 | | GTK-based implementation of the wxWidgets GUI library (old 2.8 branch) |
wxGTK28-contrib | | Contrib libraries for wxWidgets GTK |
wxGTK30 | | Cross-platform wxWidgets GUI library (3.0 branch) |
wxGTK31 | | Cross-platform wxWidgets GUI library (3.1 development branch) |
wxWindows-docs | | HTML documentation for wxWindows |
x11perf | | X11 server benchmark suite |
x11vnc | | VNC server for real X displays |
x2go-client | | Qt client for the X2Go remote desktop system |
x2x | | One keyboard and mouse to control multiple X displays |
x3270 | | 3270 Terminal emulators (X11 and/or curses) |
xaniroc | | Animate your root-cursor |
XaoS | | Zoomable fractal rendering doodad |
xauth | | X authentication utility |
xautolock | | Activate xlock after a user defined time of inactivity |
Xaw-Xpm | | Enhanced 3-D widgets based on the Athena Widget set and Xaw3d |
xbacklight | | Adjust backlight brightness using RandR extension |
Xbae | | Motif-compatible widgets: XbaeMatrix, XbaeCaption, XbaeInput |
xbanish | | Banish the mouse cursor when typing |
xbanner | | Make XDM login screen look pretty |
xbeats (V) | | Beats clock dockable in both Window Maker and AfterStep |
xbindkeys | | Launches shell commands with your keyboard or your mouse |
xbindkeys-tk | | Launches shell commands with your keyboard or your mouse (Tk interface) |
xbitmaps | | Common X11 bitmaps |
xcalc | | Scientific calculator for X |
xcalib | | Loads VCGT tag of monitor ICC profile into X server LUT |
xcb | | Extensible, multiple cut buffers for X |
xcb-imdkit | | Implementation of xim protocol in xcb |
xcb-proto | | XCB protocol descriptions (in XML) |
xcb-util | | XCB Utilities |
xcb-util-cursor | | XCB port of Xlib's libXcursor |
xcb-util-errors | | Library for helping debug xcb problems |
xcb-util-image | | XCB port of Xlib's XImage and XShmImage |
xcb-util-keysyms | | XCB Utilities |
xcb-util-renderutil | | Convenience functions for the Render extension |
xcb-util-wm | | Client and window-manager helpers for ICCCM and EWMH |
xcb-util-xrm | | XCB utility functions for the X resource manager |
xclip | | Command line interface to the X windows clipboard |
xclipboard | | Manage the X server clipboard |
xcmsdb | | Loads, queries, or removes Device Color Characterization data |
xcolor | | Lightweight color picker for X11 |
xcolors | | Display all (ok, most of) the colors in the universe |
xcolorsel | | Browse and select named X colors from rgb.txt |
xcompmgr | | Sample compositing manager for >= 6.8.0 |
xconsole | | X11 client to display console messages |
xcruise | | Navigate through a three-dimensional view of a file system |
xcursor | | Client-side cursor loading library for X |
xcursor-capitaine | | Cursor theme inspired by macOS and based on KDE Breeze |
xcursor-themes | | Modular xcursor themes |
xcursor-vanilla-dmz | | Style neutral, scalable cursor theme |
xcursorgen | | Prepare X11 cursor sets for use with libXcursor |
xdaemon | | BSD Daemon sticking on your desktop (like xteddy) |
xdaemon2 | | BSD Daemon sticking on your desktop (like xteddy) |
xdaliclock (V) | | Animated digital clock |
xdbedizzy | | Demo of the X11 Double Buffer Extension (DBE) |
xdesktopwaves | | Simulates water waves on the X Windows desktop |
xdg-user-dirs | | Tool to manage well known user directories |
xdialog | | X11 drop-in replacement for the curses dialog program |
xditview | | Display ditroff output on an X display |
xdm | | X Display Manager from modular |
xdm3d | | Replacement for xdm with 3D effects |
xdo | | Small X utility to perform elementary actions on windows |
xdotool | | Simulate keyboard input and mouse activity using X11 xtest extension |
xdpyinfo | | Display information utility for X |
xdriinfo | | DRI information utility |
xearth | | Rotating map of the Earth in X11 root window |
xedit | | Simple text editor for X |
xephem | | Interactive astronomical ephemeris program |
xev | | Display X events |
xeyes | | Follow the mouse demo |
xf86-input-acecad | | Acecad Flair input driver for the Xorg X server |
xf86-input-elographics | | Elographics input driver for the Xorg X server |