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The following packages where found to depend on x11/gtk2Previous - Results
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Next- cad/gwave, Required to run
- cad/gsmc, Required to run
- cad/pcb, Required to run
- cad/gerbv, Required to run
- cad/gtk2-wcalc, Required to run
- cad/geda, Required to run
- cad/gtkwave, Required to run
- cad/transcalc, Required to run
- cad/boolean, Required to run
- editors/emacs23, Required to run
- editors/gedit-python, Required to run
- editors/mlview, Required to run
- editors/xournal, Required to run
- editors/medit, Required to run
- editors/abiword-plugins, Required to run
- editors/xfce4-mousepad, Required to run
- editors/dasher, Required to run
- editors/gice, Required to run
- editors/gedit, Required to run
- editors/scite, Required to run
- editors/leafpad, Required to run
- editors/gconf-editor, Required to run
- editors/gummi, Required to run
- editors/notecase, Required to run
- editors/tea, Required to run
- editors/abiword, Required to run
- editors/ghex, Required to run
- editors/vim-gtk2, Required to run
- editors/conglomerate, Required to run
- editors/tomboy, Required to run
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