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The following packages where found to depend on devel/pcrePrevious - Results
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Next- graphics/blender, Required to run
- x11/qt5-qtbase, Required to run
- x11/kdelibs4, Required to run
- x11/kdelibs3, Required to run
- misc/goffice0.6, Required to run
- misc/root, Required to run
- security/zoneminder, Required to run
- www/pound, Required to run
- www/varnish, Required to run
- www/lighttpd, Required to run
- www/bluefish, Required to run
- www/dansguardian, Required to run
- www/privoxy, Required to run
- www/swish-e, Required to run
- www/nginx, Required to run
- www/epiphany-extensions, Required to run
- www/cherokee, Required to run
- www/cppcms, Required to run
- www/apache24, Required to run
- www/nginx-devel, Required to run
- mail/cyrus-imapd24, Required to run
- mail/imapfilter, Required to run
- mail/sqwebmail, Required to run
- mail/hypermail, Required to run
- mail/exim3, Required to run
- mail/cone, Required to run
- mail/fdm, Required to run
- mail/maildrop, Required to run
- mail/balsa, Required to run
- mail/courier-mta, Required to run
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