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The following packages where found to depend on x11/gtk2Previous - Results
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Next- x11/xfce4-places-plugin, Required to run
- x11/gnome-control-center, Required to run
- x11/deforaos-libdesktop, Required to run
- x11/gtk2-engines-bluecurve, Required to run
- x11/py-gtk2, Required to run
- x11/devilspie, Required to run
- x11/zenity, Required to run
- x11/gtksourceview2, Required to run
- x11/xfce4-panel, Required to run
- x11/gtk2-theme-switch, Required to run
- x11/xlockmore, Required to run
- x11/gtk2-engines, Required to run
- x11/libunique, Required to run
- x11/lxappearance, Required to run
- x11/gtkterm2, Required to run
- x11/deskmenu, Required to run
- x11/gnome-session, Required to run
- x11/wxGTK28-contrib, Required to run
- x11/matchbox-panel-manager, Required to run
- x11/deforaos-notes, Required to run
- x11/wxGTK30, Required to run
- x11/lxterminal, Required to run
- x11/xfce4-gtk2-engine, Required to run
- x11/gnome-sharp, Required to run
- x11/lxsession, Required to run
- x11/hot-babe, Required to run
- x11/wxGTK28, Required to run
- x11/libxfce4ui, Required to run
- x11/tint2, Required to run
- x11/gromit, Required to run
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