Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/ruby-mocha
From: Takahiro Kambe
Date: 2014-03-14 17:11:22
Message id:

Log Message:
Update ruby-mocha t 1.0.0.

# Release Notes

## 1.0.0

### External changes
* Assume 'mocha' has been required when requiring 'mocha/setup'.
* Provide shortcuts for integrating with specific test library i.e. `require \ 
'mocha/test_unit'` or `require 'mocha/mini_test'`
as alternatives to `require 'mocha/setup'`.
* Do not automatically try to integrate with test libraries. Since the automatic \ 
test library integration functionality
requires the test library to be loaded and this doesn't usually happen until \ 
*after* the bundle is loaded, it makes things
simpler if we use `require 'mocha/setup'` to explicitly setup Mocha when we know \ 
the test library has been loaded. Fixes #146 & #155.
* Consider stubs on superclasses if none exist on primary receiver. Largely \ 
based on changes suggested by @ccutrer in #145.
Note: this may break existing tests which rely on the old behaviour. Stubbing a \ 
superclass method and then invoking that
method on a child class would previously cause an unexpected invocation error. \ 
By searching up through the inheritance
hierarchy for each of the delegate mock objects, we can provide more intuitive \ 
behaviour. Instead of an unexpected invocation
error, invoking the method on the child class will cause the stubbed method on \ 
the superclass to be used.
* Avoid recursion when constructing unexpected invocation message. Fixes #168.
* Add explanation of method dispatch. Heavily based on the relevant jMock v1 \ 
documentation. Fixes #172.
* Make class_eval line number more accurate. This sets the line number as the \ 
line number of the `def` statement. Closes #169.
* Allow nesting of `responds_with` parameter matcher. Closes #166.
* Define `Mocha` module before it's referenced. The test helper defines a class \ 
`TestCase` within the `Mocha` module. When
running the tests inside the bundle, the `Mocha` module happens to be defined at \ 
this point. However when running the tests outside the bundle, it is not defined \ 
and so an exception is raised: `uninitialized constant Mocha (NameError)`. Fixes \ 
* Document lack of thread-safety. Fixes #154.
* Document how to use the build-matrix script. Fixes #160.
* Stubbing non-public method should use same visibility. This will probably \ 
break some existing tests that were somehow relying
on the stubbed method being public while the original method was protected or \ 
private. Fixes #150.

### Internal changes
* Use lastest Rubygems in Travis CI builds.
* Run the standard test suite against Ruby 2.1.0 in the build matrix.
* Run integration tests against Ruby 2.0.0 with latest Test::Unit gem in the \ 
build matrix.
* Test::Unit is not available in Ruby v1.9.3 standard library, so remove it from \ 
the build matrix.
* Force use of Test::Unit runner, etc in relevant integration tests. Prior to \ 
this, I don't think we were really testing the
Mocha integration with Test::Unit much, because, although `TestUnitTest` was a \ 
subclass of `Test::Unit::TestCase`, the
important test case instances are the temporary ones built by \ 
`TestRunner#run_as_test` et al. Prior to this change, these
would only have used Test::Unit where MiniTest was not available *at all* i.e. \ 
only in early versions of Ruby and when the
MiniTest gem was not loaded.
* Reset environment variables between build matrix builds.
* Only activate integration with relevant test library for each of the \ 
integration tests.
* Include standard build combinations from Travis CI config i.e. builds using \ 
standard library versions of test libraries.
* Fix `build-matrix.rb` script. Also use `.travis.yml` to decide what \ 
combinations to run. This means we
can now simulate the Travis CI build locally and avoid duplication. Fixes #157.
* Remove Ruby version map from build matrix script. I'm using the \ 
`rbenv-aliases` plugin to alias minor versions to the
relevant patch version.
