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alacritty Cross-platform, GPU-accelerated terminal emulator
amiwm (V) X window manager with Amiga look and feel
appres Print resources seen by an application
arandr Designed to provide a simple visual front end for XRandR
ark (V) Manages various archive formats within the KDE environment
asclock (V) NeXTstep-like clock and calendar
asclock-gtk (V) Dockable clock and calendar with themes for GTK+
asclock-xlib (V) Dockable clock and calendar with themes for X11
asnap Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
aterm Aterm (Afterstep XVT) - a VT102 emulator for the X window system
autocutsel Synchronizes the X11 cutbuffer and CLIPBOARD selection
awesome (V) Window manager based on dwm, with Lua integration
bbapm APM monitor for Blackbox
bbappconf (V) Configure the behaviour of an application under Blackbox
bbkeys (V) General X Window keygrabber
bbsload (V) Small (in dimensions) tool to display the average load
beforelight Simple screen saver
bitmap Bitmap editor and conversion utilities
blt Extension to Tcl/Tk
c++-gtk-utils Lightweight library for programming GTK+ programs using C++
catclock (V) Variant of the MIT xclock with a cat mode
citron System data via on-demand notifications
clipit Lightweight, fully featured GTK+ clipboard manager
clipnotify Notify on new X clipboard events
clisp-gtk2 CLISP GIMP Toolkit v2 (GTK2) module
clisp-mit-clx CLISP MIT CLX module
clisp-new-clx CLISP New CLX module
compiz-fusion (V) Meta-package for compiz fusion
cool-retro-term Terminal emulator which mimics old CRT screens
copyq Qt based clipboard manager
ctwm (V) Window manager with support for multiple virtual screens and EWMH
dclock (V) Digital clock for X
deforaos-integration DeforaOS desktop integration
deforaos-keyboard DeforaOS desktop virtual keyboard
deforaos-libdesktop DeforaOS desktop library
deforaos-locker DeforaOS desktop screensaver
deforaos-notes DeforaOS desktop notes manager
deforaos-panel DeforaOS desktop panel
desklaunch X utility for binding commands to pixmap icons
deskmenu X utility for providing root menus
devilspie Window-matching utility to customize window behavior
dikt (V) Dictionary protocol client for KDE
dmenu Dynamic menu for X
docker WindowMaker dock app which acts as a system tray
drawterm Utility to connect to Plan9 CPU servers
dtx11session Launch a X11 session from CDE login service
dunst Customizable and lightweight notification-daemon
dxpc Differential X Protocol Compressor
dzen-git (V) General purpose messaging and notification program
dzen2 (V) General purpose messaging and notification program
ede Equinox Desktop Environment
editres Dynamic resource editor for libXt applications
eekboard Virtual keyboard for GNOME
efltk Extended Fast Light Toolkit
elementary E17 Widget Library
elementary-icon-theme Simple and appealing Tango-styled icon theme
emiclock (V) Analog clock with image in the middle
enlightenment Enlightenment Window Manager, Development Release
eterm Enlightened terminal emulator for the X Window System
fbdesk Application that creates and manage icons on your desktop
filerunner Filemanager with FTP capabilities. Uses Tcl/Tk
fltk Fast Light Tool Kit for graphical user interfaces
fltk13 Fast Light Tool Kit for graphical user interfaces
flwm (V) The Fast, Light Window Manager
fnlib (V) Color font rendering library for X11R6
fox Fast and extensive C++ GUI toolkit
frameworkintegration Provide components to allow applications to integrate with a KDE Workspace
fspanel F***ing Small Panel for listing X11 windows
fsviewer (V) NextStep-like Filemanager for WindowMaker
ftmenu Fluxbox Tray Menu
fvwm (V) Newer version of X11 Virtual window manager
fvwm-wharf Copy of AfterStep's Wharf compatible with fvwm2
gchore (V) Chore reminder tool with gtk UI
gcolor2 Simple color selector
gcombust (V) Graphical frontend for CD mastering (mkisofs, cdrecord, ...)
ggiterm Libggi-based terminal emulator
glclock (V) OpenGL-based pocket watch
glx-utils (V) OpenGL glxgears and glxinfo
gnome (V) Meta-package for the GNOME desktop environment
gnome-clipboard-daemon (V) Program that keeps the content of your X clipboard in memory
gnome-desktop Common GNOME2 desktop files and libgnome-desktop library
gnome-desktop3 GNOME3 desktop-wide documents and libgnome-desktop library
gnome-desktop4 (V) GNOME3 desktop-wide documents and libgnome-desktop library
gnome-session GNOME3 session management utilities
gnome-shell Next generation GNOME shell
gnome-terminal Terminal emulator for GNOME
gnome-themes Collection of themes and icons for GNOME 2
gnome-tweaks (V) Graphical interface for advanced GNOME 3 settings
gnuplot (V) Portable interactive, function plotting utility
gnustep (V) Meta-package for GNUstep
gnustep-back X11 AppKit backend for GNUstep
gnustep-gui GNUstep AppKit Implementation
gpa (V) GUI frontend to gnupg
gromit Text marker tool for the X11 screen
GSCommander (V) Simple Unix command monitor for GNUstep
gselt Display a menu of actions that can be done with an X selection
gst-plugins1-gtk (V) Open source multimedia framework - GTK plugin
gst-plugins1-x11 Open source multimedia framework - X11 plugin
gst-plugins1-ximagesrc Open source multimedia framework - X11 image plugin
gtk GIMP Toolkit v1 - libraries for building X11 user interfaces