./x11/citron, System data via on-demand notifications

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Branch: CURRENT, Version: 0.15.0, Package name: citron-0.15.0, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

citron is:

-a non-intrusive alternative to panels.
-extremely fast, thanks to libmacchina.
-works across different distributions, window managers and desktop environments.

Master sites:

Filesize: 43.355 KB

Version history: (Expand)

CVS history: (Expand)

   2024-12-27 22:31:16 by pin | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
x11/citron: drop MAINTAINER
   2022-08-17 13:28:47 by Tobias Nygren | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
citron: rename the distfile to a distinguished name
   2022-04-29 18:58:35 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
x11/citron: update to 0.15.0


battery: add '%S' specifier for displaying battery status through a symbol
 -This specifier is inspired by Emacs' battery-mode-line-format '%b' specifier.

 -Other minor changes:
  -The conditions which decide upon which battery icon to display depending on
   the battery percentage have been decremented by 1.
   -This means that if your battery's percentage is 20%, you'll be shown a
    battery-level-20-discharging-symbolic icon instead of
    battery-level-10-discharging-symbolic icon.

 -Bump dependencies to their latest versions.
   2022-03-14 11:20:25 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
x11/citron: update to 0.14.2

-Important: move from vulnerable chrono crate to time.

v0.14.1 Note: This version was never release outside crates.io
-build(deps): bump libmacchina to v6.1.0
 This version bump addresses:
 - a network bug causing IPv6 addresses to show up instead of the
   preferred IPv4.
 - a battery bug causing libmacchina to pick the first non "ADP" battery
   device, which can lead to it picking "wacom_*" devices, which aren't
   very crucial.
   2022-01-19 11:54:50 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
x11/citron: update to 0.14.0

This release includes various under-the-hood tweaks to the codebase,
essentially ridding citron of boilerplate code, and exploring a
different approach to how icon logic should be handled internally.

It also fixes a bug that would result in battery percentage not showing
up in cases where your battery's state is unknown.
   2022-01-08 16:34:32 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
x11/citron: update to 0.13.0

-This release addresses citron's documentation.
	-Removed example configuration file, I don't want to maintain the config as
	 the source evolves. citron's manpage fully documents its features and
	 configuration options.
	-Rewrote the manpage in scd (scdoc).
	-A change in marketing: citron's description will now longer tell you to
	 "ditch your status bar", instead it tells you what it is, \ 
"system data via
	 on-demand notifications".

-The network notification can be fully configured through symbols now.
-Dropped owo-colors dependency, colors are no more.
-Fixed duplicate about message of subcommands when consulting --help.
-Refactor various parts ot the codebase.
   2022-01-06 08:52:32 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
x11/citron: update to 0.11.0

- Configuration: Added new date symbols.
- Configuration: The battery group, or whatever YAML calls it, now has a format
  option, similar to the date group. Its symbols are fully documented in the
  manpage, under the BATTERY SYMBOLS section.
- Network: When disconnected, the network notification will show a
  "network-wireless-disconnected-symbolic" icon. In other terms, the \ 
  notification is contextually-aware.
- Miscellaneous: Some refactoring work has gone into our formatters (which are
  responsible for the final format of the notification's body).
- Miscellaneous: Added a CHANGELOG.md that keeps track of the history of changes
  introduced by every version.
   2022-01-04 19:03:35 by pin | Files touched by this commit (4) | Package updated
Log message:
x11/citron: update to 0.10.1

-Fix a warning. I forgot to upload v0.10.0, here's what happened.
 Fixed a bug that made it so the month (%m) showed up as a number and not
 its textual representation, e.g. "Jan".
-Added a new symbol (%M), which shows a long version of the current month,
 e.g. "January".

-Configure through a config file. citron can only be configured through a
 config file now, as its command-line interface has been stripped down
 to subcommands and a few flags.
 An example configuration file can be found at:
 For more information, run man citron.