Contact us Category listing - cad
((V)irtual = Package is only listed here)
adms Compact device model code generator for SPICE
atlc Calculates the impedance of arbitrary cross section transmission lines
cascade Simple tool to analyze noise and distortion of a RF system
cgi-wcalc CGI Based Transmission Line Analysis/Synthesis Calculator
covered Verilog code coverage analyzer (stable release version)
dinotrace Tool for viewing the output of digital simulators
dinotrace-mode Emacs major mode for dinotrace
diylc Simple electronic schematics CAD tool
electric Electrical CAD system
fastcap Fast 3-D capacitance solver
fasthenry Three-dimensional inductance extraction program
felt Free system for introductory level finite element analysis
freehdl VHDL simulator
fstl Fast STL file viewer
gcad3d 3D CADCAM software
gdsreader GDS-II stream file to Postscript and HP/GL converter
geda Toolset for automating electronic design
gerbv Gerber file viewer
ghdl Open-source simulator/compiler/analyzer for the VHDL
ghdl-yosys-plugin (V) VHDL synthesis plugin based on GHDL and Yosys
gnetman Advanced Netlister and Netlist Manipulation Database for gEDA
gnucap General purpose circuit simulator
gplcver Verilog simulator
gsmc Smith charting program
gtk1-wcalc GTK Based Transmission Line Analysis/Synthesis Calculator
gtk2-wcalc GTK2 Based Transmission Line Analysis/Synthesis Calculator
gtkwave Electronic waveform viewer
iverilog Verilog simulation and synthesis tool (stable release version)
kicad Schematic and PCB CAD software (stable branch)
kicad-footprints Component footprints for the PCB CAD software
kicad-packages3d 3D models for rendering and the MCAD software
kicad-symbols Schematic symbol libraries for the schematic CAD software
kicad-templates Project templates for the schematic CAD software
klayout Simple GDS and OASIS file viewer and Editor
librecad Free Open Source personal CAD application
libredwg Free library to read/write DWG files
libwcalc Library for Transmission Line Analysis/Synthesis
magic Integrated circuit layout system
mcalc JavaScript based microstrip analysis/synthesis calculator
mex-wcalc Matlab Based Transmission Line Analysis/Synthesis Calculator
mpac Microstrip Patch Antenna Calculator
MyHDL-gplcver GPL Cver cosimulation support for py-MyHDL
MyHDL-iverilog Icarus Verilog cosimulation support for py-MyHDL
nelma Circuit board capacitance extraction tool
ng-spice Next generation circuit simulation program
ng-spice-shared Next generation circuit simulation program (shared libraries)
ntesla Tesla coil design program
occt Boundary Representation modeling toolkit and 3D geometry library
openscad OpenSCAD - The Programmers Solid 3D CAD Modeller
OpenSTA (V) Gate level static timing verifier
p5-gds2 Modules to read, write, and manipulate GDS2 (GDSII) stream files
pcb Printed circuit board layout system
py-gds Python module for creating GDSII stream files
py-gdscad Package for creating, reading, and manipulating GDSII layout files
py-gdstk C++/Python library for GDSII and OASIS files
py-liberty_parser (V) Library of functions to parse, manipulate and format 'Liberty' files
py-MyHDL Hardware description in Python
py-picture-to-gds (V) Python script to convert image files to GDSII files
py-PyRTL Register-transfer-level hardware design and simulation
py-simpy Discrete event simulation framework
py-spice (V) Python interface to the Ngspice and Xyce circuit simulators
qcad 2D CAD system
qcad-partlibrary Parts libraries for the QCad 2D CAD system
sci-wcalc Scilab Based Transmission Line Analysis/Synthesis Calculator
solvespace Parametric 2D/3D CAD
spice General-purpose circuit simulation program
spiceprm Spice preprocessor for parameterized subcircuits
stdio-wcalc Stdio Based Transmission Line Analysis/Synthesis Calculator
tkgate Tcl/Tk based digital circuit editor and simulator
tnt-mmtl Multilayer Multiconductor Transmission Line 2-D and 2.5-D simulator
transcalc Transmission line analysis/synthesis
verilator Verilog HDL simulator
verilog-mode Verilog mode for Emacs
veriwell Verilog Simulator
wcalc Meta-pkg for the Wcalc Transmission Line Analysis/Synthesis Calculator
wcalc-docs Web Pages for the Wcalc Transmission Line Calculator
xchiplogo Program for generating pretty logos on VLSI chips
xcircuit Drawing program for X11 (especially for circuits)