Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/security/dnssec-tools
From: Fredrik Pettai
Date: 2014-12-15 00:11:08
Message id:

Log Message:
 - New Features:
    - donuts:       - Added the ability to summarize information
                      about a zone in the output, such as the upcoming
                      entire zone expiry time, etc
                    - Added the ability to query live zones for
                      records to analyze.  EG:
                      donuts live:good-a,badsign-a
                    - Added a -V switch to dump records analyzed
    - libval:       - Add support for conditionally checking all RRSIGs
                      on an assertion even if one that validates is
                      already found.
                    - Look for zonecuts based on NS records, not SOA
                    - Added initial support for TSIG in order to enable
                      libval to query recursive name servers that
                      authorized recursive lookup for only those hosts
                      that used a particular TSIG key.
    -  - Store respondent name server information in result
    - Owl           - additional sensor modules
                    - additional data analysis on manager
                    - logging to the Owl sensors modules
                    - optimized sensor data organization
                     (requires software upgrades on both sensor and
                      manager at the same time)
                    - added -restart option to owl-sensord for
                      restarting sensor modules
                    - improvements to the installation guide
    - rollerd       - generalized zonegroup entry in rollecs to be lists of tags
                    - rndc option support added
    - dnssec-check  - Ported to Qt5
    - dnssec-nodes  - Ported to Qt5
    - lookup        - Ported to Qt5
    - dnssec-system-tray
                    - Ported to Qt5

 - Bug Fixes
                    - Fixed bugs in libval, rollerd, blinkenlights, Owl
                      sensor modules, and Owl manager
                    - Use rlimits to try and limit file descriptor use in
                      libsres so we don't run out of available sockets.
                    - Eliminate a few hardcoded paths in various perl modules
                    - Fix various compiler warnings
                    - Update autoconf and related files
