Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/editors/vim-share
From: Daniel Horecki
Date: 2017-01-09 20:26:14
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to newest snapshot.

8.0.0087  channel callback may get job info after it was deleted
8.0.0088  when a test fails in Setup/Teardown problem is not reported
8.0.0089  various problems with GTK 3.22.2
8.0.0090  cursor moved after last character when using 'breakindent'
8.0.0091  test_help_complete sometimes fails in MS-Windows console
8.0.0092  C indent does not support nested namespaces that C++ 17 has
8.0.0093  not using multiprocess build feature
8.0.0094  if vimrun.exe not found error message is not properly encoded
8.0.0095  problems with GTK 3.22.2 fixed in 3.22.4
8.0.0096  when the input or output is not a tty Vim appears to hang
8.0.0097  if channel callback takes a lot of time Vim is unresponsive
8.0.0098  (after 8.0.0097) can't build on MS-Windows
8.0.0099  popup menu appears above the cursor too often
8.0.0100  file name options may contain non-filename characters
8.0.0101  some options are not strictly checked
8.0.0102  (after 8.0.0101) cannot set 'dictionary' to a path
8.0.0103  may not process channel readahead
8.0.0104  value of 'thesaurus' option not checked properly
8.0.0105  can't tell difference between reading empty line or nothing
8.0.0106  (after 8.0.0100) cannot use a semicolon in 'backupext'
8.0.0107  when reading channel output in timer messages may be missing
8.0.0108  (after 8.0.0107) the channel "drop" option is not tested
8.0.0109  still checking if memcmp() exists, should be everywhere now
8.0.0110  drop command doesn't use existing window
8.0.0111  the :history command is not tested
8.0.0112  tests 92 and 93 are old style
8.0.0113  MS-Windows: dialog for saving changes on the wrong monitor
8.0.0114  coding style not optimal
8.0.0115  when building with Cygwin libwinpthread isn't found
8.0.0116  using CTRl-] in English help language from 'helplang' is used
8.0.0117  parallel make fails
8.0.0118  "make proto" adds extra function prototype
8.0.0119  no test for using CTRL-R on the command line
8.0.0120  channel test is still flaky on OS X
8.0.0121  setting 'cursorline' changes the curswant column
8.0.0122  channel test is still flaky on OS X
8.0.0123  modern Sun compilers define "__sun" instead of "sun"
8.0.0124  internal error for assert_inrange(1, 1)
8.0.0125  not enough testing for entering Ex commands
8.0.0126  display problem with 'foldcolumn' and a wide character
8.0.0127  cancelling completion still formats text
8.0.0128  (after 8.0.0126) display test fails on MS-Windows
8.0.0129  parallel make still doesn't work
8.0.0130  configure uses "ushort" while the Vim code doesn't
8.0.0131  not enough test coverage for syntax commands
8.0.0132  (after 8.0.0131) test fails because of using :finish
8.0.0133  "2;'(" causes ml_get errors in an empty buffer
8.0.0134  null pointer access reported by UBsan
8.0.0135  relative address does not work with closed fold
8.0.0136  when changing indent the wrong fold is opened
8.0.0137  when 'maxfuncdepth' set above 200 nesting is limited to 200
8.0.0138  (after 8.0.0137) small build fails
8.0.0139  (after 8.0.0135) warning for unused argument
8.0.0140  pasting inserted text in Visual mode does not work properly
8.0.0141  (after 8.0.0137) nested function test fails on AppVeyor
8.0.0142  normal colors are wrong with 'termguicolors'
8.0.0143  line number of current buffer in getbufinfo() is wrong
8.0.0144  when using MSVC the GvimExt directory is cleaned twice
8.0.0145  running tests on MS-Windows is noisy
8.0.0146  termguicolors uses wrong colors on MS-Windows with ConEmu
8.0.0147  searchpair() fails when 'magic' is off
8.0.0148  wrong indent in C preprocessor with line continuation
8.0.0149  :earlier does not work after reading the undo file
8.0.0150  completion for :filter does not skip the pattern
8.0.0151  passing buffer content to system() is clumsy
8.0.0152  stray channellog created when running tests
8.0.0153  (after 8.0.0151) system() test fails on MS-Windows
8.0.0154  (after 8.0.0151) system() test fails on OS/X
8.0.0155  ubsan complains about NULL pointer
8.0.0156  not enough test coverage for float functions
8.0.0157  no completion for :syntax spell and :syntax sync
8.0.0158  (after 8.0.0156) float function test fails on MS-Windows
8.0.0159  crash on startup when updating tabline
8.0.0160  EMSG() is sometimes used where it should be IEMSG()
8.0.0161  (after 8.0.0159) can't build with small features
