Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/editors/vim-share
From: Soren Jacobsen
Date: 2017-03-06 07:07:53
Message id:

Log Message:
update vim to 8.0.0425.  changes:

8.0.0342  double free with EXITFREE and setting 'ttytype'
8.0.0343  b:changedtick can be unlocked
8.0.0344  unlet command leaks memory
8.0.0345  islocked('d.changedtick') does not work
8.0.0346  Vim relies on limits.h to be included indirectly
8.0.0347  when using completion comment leader wont work
8.0.0348  using shadow dir on Mac lack +clipboard
8.0.0349  redrawing errors with GTK 3
8.0.0350  not enough test coverage for Perl
8.0.0351  no test for concatenating an empty string
8.0.0352  not easy to see when a typval needs to be cleared
8.0.0353  if [RO] is translated it may be truncated
8.0.0354  test to check that setting termcap key fails sometimes
8.0.0355  using uninitialized memory when 'isfname' is empty
8.0.0356  (after 8.0.0342) leaking memory when setting 'ttytype'
8.0.0357  crash when setting 'guicursor' to weird value
8.0.0358  invalid memory access in C-indent code
8.0.0359  'number' and 'relativenumber' are not properly tested
8.0.0360  sometimes VimL is used instead of "Vim script"
8.0.0361  GUI initialisation is not sufficiently tested
8.0.0362  (after 8.0.0361) tests fail on MS-Windows
8.0.0363  Travis is too slow to keep up with patches
8.0.0364  ]s does not move cursor with two spell errors in one line
8.0.0365  might free a dict item that wasn't allocated
8.0.0366  (after 8.0.0365) build fails with tiny features
8.0.0367  types in include files may be inconsistent
8.0.0368  not all options are tested with a range of values
8.0.0369  a few options are not defined, depending on features
8.0.0370  invalid memory access when setting wildchar empty
8.0.0371  leaking memory when setting v:completed_item
8.0.0372  more options are not always defined
8.0.0373  build fails without +folding
8.0.0374  invalid memory access when using :sc in Ex mode
8.0.0375  the "+ register is not tested
8.0.0376  size computations in spell file reading are off
8.0.0377  possible overflow when reading corrupted undo file
8.0.0378  another possible overflow when reading corrupted undo file
8.0.0379  CTRL-Z and mouse click use CTRL-O unnecessary
8.0.0380  with 'linebreak' double wide char wraps badly
8.0.0381  diff mode is not sufficiently tested
8.0.0382  (after 8.0.0380) warning in tiny build for unused variable
8.0.0383  (after 8.0.0382) misplaced #ifdef
8.0.0384  timer test failed for no apparent reason
8.0.0385  no tests for arabic
8.0.0386  tiny build has a problem with generating the options test
8.0.0387  compiler warnings
8.0.0388  filtering lines changes folds
8.0.0389  test for arabic does not check what is displayed
8.0.0390  when the window scrolls the popup menu may be garbled
8.0.0391  arabic support is verbose and not well tested
8.0.0392  GUI test fails with Athena and Motif
8.0.0393  (after 8.0.0190) order of duplicate tags is not preserved
8.0.0394  tabs are not aligned when scrolling horizontally
8.0.0395  testing the + register fails with Motif
8.0.0396  'balloonexpr' only works synchronously
8.0.0397  (after 8.0.0392) can't build with +viminfo but without +eval
8.0.0398  illegal memory access with "t"
8.0.0399  crash when using balloon_show() when not supported
8.0.0400  some tests have a one second delay
8.0.0401  test fails with missing balloon feature
8.0.0402  :map completion does not have <special>
8.0.0403  GUI tests may fail
8.0.0404  not enough testing for quickfix
8.0.0405  v:progpath may become invalid after :cd
8.0.0406  arabic shaping code is verbose
8.0.0407  filtering folds with marker method not tested
8.0.0408  updating folds does not always work properly
8.0.0409  set_progpath is defined but not always used
8.0.0410  newer gettext/iconv library has extra dll file
8.0.0411  menu translations don't match when case is changed
8.0.0412  (after 8.0.0411) menu test fails on MS-Windows
8.0.0413  (after 8.0.0412) menu test fails on MS-Windows using gvim
8.0.0414  balloon eval is not tested
8.0.0415  (after 8.0.0414) balloon test fails on MS-Windows
8.0.0416  setting v:progpath is not quite right
8.0.0417  test for the clipboard fails sometimes
8.0.0418  ASAN logs are disabled
8.0.0419  test for v:progpath fails on MS-Windows
8.0.0420  text garbled when the system encoding differs from 'encoding'
8.0.0421  diff mode wrong when adding line at end of buffer
8.0.0422  Python test fails with Python 3.6
8.0.0423  changing 'cinoptions' does not always work
8.0.0424  compiler warnings on MS-Windows
8.0.0425  build errors when building without folding
