Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/databases/ruby-sequel
From: Takahiro Kambe
Date: 2018-05-05 16:19:58
Message id:

Log Message:
databases/ruby-sequel: update to 5.8.0

=== 5.8.0 (2018-05-01)

* Don't mark SQLAnywhere as supporting WITH in INSERT statement (jeremyevans)

* Support :search_path as a shard option on PostgreSQL (jeremyevans)

* Add Dataset#nowait for raising a Sequel::DatabaseLockTimeout when a locked row \ 
is encountered, supported on PostgreSQL, MySQL 8+, MSSQL, and Oracle \ 

* Support Dataset#skip_locked on MySQL 8+ (jeremyevans)

* Make schema modification methods in the pg_enum extension work on a frozen \ 
Database object (jeremyevans)

* Support common table expressions and window functions on MySQL 8+ (jeremyevans)

* Ignore Dataset#explain :extended option on MySQL 5.7+, since extended output \ 
is then the MySQL default (jeremyevans)

* Work around REGEXP BINARY not working correctly on MySQL 8+ by using \ 
REGEXP_LIKE with the 'c' match_type (jeremyevans)

* Force correct column order in Database#foreign_key_list on MySQL (jeremyevans)

* Add ConnectionPool#connection_expiration_random_delay to connection_expiration \ 
extension, to avoid thundering herd if preallocating connections (hex2a, \ 
jeremyevans) (#1503)

* Emit deprecation warning in association_proxies plugin if using #filter on an \ 
association proxy, since behavior will change on ruby 2.6+ (utilum) (#1497)

* Handle multiple add_constraint calls and a set_column_null call in the same \ 
alter_table block on SQLite (jeremyevans) (#1498)

* Add Database#rename_enum to the pg_enum extension (AlexWayfer) (#1495)

* Make tactical_eager_loading plugin respect the :allow_eager association option \ 
(jeremyevans) (#1494)

* Add pg_auto_constraint_validations plugin, for automatically converting \ 
constraint violations to validation failures on PostgreSQL (jeremyevans)

* Don't make Model#_valid? public in the error_splitter plugin (jeremyevans)

* Support Database#indexes :include_partial option on PostgreSQL for including \ 
partial indexes (jeremyevans)

* Include more diagnostic information in Database#error_info on PostgreSQL \ 

* Support Database#foreign_key_list :reverse option on PostgreSQL for parsing \ 
foreign key constraints that reference a given table (jeremyevans)

* Add Database#check_constraints on PostgreSQL for parsing CHECK constraints \ 

* Don't use identity columns if :serial=>true or :type=>:serial|:bigserial \ 
column options are used (#1490) (jeremyevans)

* Cache Dataset#select_all datasets if no arguments are given (jeremyevans)

* Cache Dataset#returning datasets if no arguments are given (jeremyevans)

* Cache Dataset#qualify datasets if no argument is given (jeremyevans)

* Cache Dataset#lateral datasets (jeremyevans)

* Cache Dataset#from_self datasets if no options are given (jeremyevans)

* Cache Dataset#distinct datasets if no arguments or block is given (jeremyevans)

=== 5.7.0 (2018-04-01)

* Add Sequel.start_timer and .elapsed_seconds_since for more accurate elapsed \ 
time calculations on ruby 2.1+ (jeremyevans)

* Run Dataset#with_sql_{all,each,first,single_value} using a cached dataset to \ 
avoid clobbering the dataset's columns (jeremyevans)

* Add Database#convert_serial_to_identity on PostgreSQL 10.2+, which requires \ 
superuser access (jeremyevans)

* Fix Database#server_version when connecting to PostgreSQL 10.1+ in certain \ 
cases (jeremyevans)

* Free temporary clobs in the jdbc/oracle adapter to prevent a memory leak \ 
(jeremyevans) (#1482)

* Treat prepared statement errors due to changing types as disconnect errors in \ 
the postgres adapter (jeremyevans) (#1481)

* Add integer64 extension for treating Integer as a 64-bit integer when used as \ 
a generic type (jeremyevans)

* Allow many_to_pg_array remove_all_* method cast appropriately to work \ 
correctly for non-integer types (jeremyevans)

* Fix array_type for pg_array_to_many and many_to_pg_array associations in \ 
pg_array_associations plugin (jeremyevans)

* Use identity columns instead of serial columns for primary keys on PostgreSQL \ 
10.2+ (jeremyevans)

* Support :identity option when creating columns on PostgreSQL 10+ to create \ 
identity columns (jeremyevans)

* Add Dataset#overriding_{system,user}_value on PostgreSQL for use with \ 
PostgreSQL 10+ identity columns (jeremyevans)

* Set :auto_increment schema entry correctly for PostgreSQL 10+ identity columns \ 
