wip/p5-Imager | Perl module for manipulating gray, color, and RGBA format images | |
wip/p5-Image-EXIF | Perl extension for exif library | |
wip/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Email | Send emails with Catalyst and Email::Send and Email::MIME::Creator | |
wip/p5-Catalyst-Model-DBIC-Plain | DBIx::Class model class for Catalyst, without loader | |
wip/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-State-URI | Saves Catalyst Session IDs by rewriting URIs | |
wip/p5-Catalyst-Model-DBIC | DBIx::Class model class for Catalyst | |
time/p5-Date-Range | Date::Range - deal with a range of dates | |
wip/p5-Time-Piece-Range | Time::Piece::Range - deal with a range of Time::Piece objects | |
wip/p5-Bit-Vector-Minimal | Object-oriented wrapper around Perls vec() | |
wip/p5-PluceneSimple | Perl interface to Plucene | |
wip/p5-Plucene-Plugin-Analyzer-SnowballAnalyzer | Stemmed analyzer plugin for p5-Plucene search engine | |
wip/p5-Catalyst-Log-Log4perl | Log::Log4perl logging for Catalyst | |
wip/p5-Plucene | Perl port of the Java Lucene search engine | |
wip/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Prototype | Catalyst plugin for Prototype | |
wip/p5-Lingua-Stem-Snowball-No | Stemmer for Norwegian | |
wip/p5-Module-Pluggable-Ordered | Call module plugins in a specified order | |
wip/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-DefaultEnd | Sensible default end action | |
wip/p5-Catalyst-Engine-Apache | Catalyst Apache Engines | |
wip/p5-HTML-TagCloud | Generate An HTML Tag Cloud | |
wip/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-FillInForm | Automatically fill in forms in Catalyst using HTML::FillInForms | |
wip/p5-Class-DBI-SQLite | Extension to Class::DBI for sqlite | |
wip/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-HTML-Widget | HTML Widget And Validation Framework | |
wip/p5-B-Deobfuscate | Extension to B::Deparse for use in de-obfuscating source code | |
wip/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Cache-FileCache | Extends base class with a file cache | |
wip/p5-Lingua-Stem-Snowball-Se | Stemmer for Swedish | |
wip/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Pluggable | Plugin for pluggable Catalyst applications | |
wip/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-FormValidator | FormValidator for Catalyst | |
wip/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Static | Serve static files with Catalyst | |
wip/p5-Lingua-StopWords | Lingua::StopWords - Stop words for several languages | |
wip/p5-Class-DBI-Sweet | Extra sweet features for Class::DBI | |
wip/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Store-Htpasswd | Use .htpasswd with Catalyst | |
wip/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Unicode-Encoding | Unicode aware Catalyst | |
wip/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-SubRequest | Serve static files from config->{root} |