./net/tn5250, Implementation of the IBM 5250 telnet protocol

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Branch: pkgsrc-2008Q4, Version: 0.12.51nb2, Package name: tn5250-0.12.51nb2, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

This is an implementation of a 5250 emulator. The 5250 is most
commonly used for connections to IBM's AS/400. While one can connect
to an AS/400 with a VT100 emulator, it's not ideal. The problem is
that the 5250 is a screen at a time terminal, whereas the VT100 is a
character at a time device. The emulator uses the binary mode of
telnet to transfer the 5250 data stream.

Master sites:

SHA1: c4394dd699afa3e38989015100f5837f266a80d9
RMD160: 382c5988b1ddf6c7cb9345b79e760160c00c64fb
Filesize: 99.362 KB

Version history: (Expand)