./net/vsftpd, FTP server that aims to be very secure

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Branch: pkgsrc-2008Q4, Version: 2.0.7, Package name: vsftpd-2.0.7, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

vsftpd is an FTP server, or daemon. The "vs" stands for Very Secure.
Obviously this is not a guarantee, but a reflection that I have written
the entire codebase with security in mind, and carefully designed the program
to be resilient to attack.

Recent evidence suggests that vsftpd is also extremely fast (and this is
before any explicit performance tuning!) In tests against wu-ftpd, vsftpd
was always faster, supporting over twice as many users in some tests.

Package options: inet6, pam, tcpwrappers

Master sites:

SHA1: 760afe849d1ebe10592ef29032b6e00e7f1bbf79
RMD160: 8947c7ae00214fb30c9d7d2cfba5116643e1d8c7
Filesize: 158.985 KB

Version history: (Expand)