./sysutils/htop, Enhanced version of top utility

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Branch: pkgsrc-2008Q4, Version: 0.6.6, Package name: htop-0.6.6, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

This is htop, an interactive process viewer.

Comparison between 'htop' and 'top'

* In 'htop' you can scroll the list vertically and horizontally
to see all processes and full command lines.
* In 'top' you are subject to a delay for each unassigned
key you press (especially annoying when multi-key escape
sequences are triggered by accident).
* 'htop' starts faster ('top' seems to collect data for a while
before displaying anything).
* In 'htop' you don't need to type the process number to
kill a process, in 'top' you do.
* In 'htop' you don't need to type the process number or
the priority value to renice a process, in 'top' you do.
* In 'htop' you can kill multiple processes at once.
* 'top' is older, hence, more tested.

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SHA1: d0bb46a815a5075777ceb557586f72f622c28919
RMD160: 5d91a086657aba75d467cadf3eac4a476814cb5b
Filesize: 137.832 KB

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