./www/py-curl, Python module interface to the cURL library

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Branch: pkgsrc-2011Q2, Version: 7.16.4nb3, Package name: py26-curl-7.16.4nb3, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

PycURL is a Python module that interface with the cURL library, by
using this module, you can fetch documents identified by a URI from
within a Python program.

Required to run:
[lang/python26] [www/curl]

Master sites:

SHA1: a06ae60030cf27953f75c4a0cd4316a12765b22f
RMD160: bc4e7f3471a0ff20e46dd0b2566e4942dccf839d
Filesize: 67.235 KB

Version history: (Expand)