./sysutils/gvfs, Userspace virtual filesystem

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Branch: pkgsrc-2011Q4, Version: 1.6.6nb6, Package name: gvfs-1.6.6nb6, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

gvfs is a userspace virtual filesystem designed to work with the i/o
abstractions of gio (a library availible in glib >= 2.15.1). It
installs several modules that are automatically used by applications
using the APIs of libgio. There is also fuse support that allows
applications not using gio to access the gvfs filesystems.

Required to run:
[security/libgnome-keyring] [net/libsoup24] [net/samba] [devel/GConf] [devel/glib2] [sysutils/hal] [sysutils/dbus] [misc/libcdio] [textproc/libxml2]

Required to build:
[devel/libtool-base] [devel/pkg-config] [devel/gmake] [lang/perl5] [pkgtools/x11-links] [textproc/intltool]

Package options: hal, samba

Master sites: (Expand)

SHA1: 066800558370187abd838c358349bb73f1579f8b
RMD160: 705934a0a3f520a41237374abeb0182d01398903
Filesize: 1355.27 KB

Version history: (Expand)