cm2gpx | | CacheMate PDB-to-GPX file converter |
cmconvert | | CacheMate import file converter for GPS GPX files |
emerillon | | Map browser |
epsg | | EPSG geodetic parameters database |
epsg-docs | | EPSG geodetic parameters database documentation |
gama | | Geodetic network adjustment (surveying) |
garmin-utils | | Utilities for Garmin GPS receivers |
garmintools | | Utilities for Garmin Forerunner 305 and similar GPS units |
gdal-lib | | Translator library for raster geospatial data formats |
geoclue | | Geoinformation service API and base providers |
geos | | C++ port of the Java Topology Suite (JTS) |
gipfel | | Photogrammetry For Mountain Images |
gpsbabel | | Utility to convert and fetch GPS related data |
gpsd | | GPS information daemon |
gpsdrive | | GPS Navigation system |
gpspoint | | Program to download and upload waypoints to and from your GPS device |
gpsutils | | Capture and convert data from a Garmin GPS receiver |
libchamplain04 | | Map widget |
libchamplain06 | | Map widget |
libchamplain08 | | Map widget |
libdrg | | Library for reading and merging DRG files |
libgeotiff | | Library and tools for reading and writing GeoTIFF data |
mapserver | | Environment for building spatially enabled Internet apps |
merkaartor | | Merkaartor is an OpenStreetMap mapping program |
p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM | | Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions |
p5-Geo-Distance | | Calculate Distances and Closest Locations |
p5-Geo-Mercator | | Perl5 module computing Mercator Projection into meters |
p5-Geo-ShapeFile | | Perl extension for handling ESRI GIS Shapefiles |
p5-Geo-Weather | | Perl5 weather retrieval module |
p5-Geography-Countries | | Perl5 module for mapping country names and codes |
php-geoip (V) | | PHP module to map IP address to geographic places |
proj | | Cartographic projection software |
proj-doc | | PDF documentation for the PROJ cartographic projection software |
proj-swig | | Guile and python wrappers for proj |
py-proj | | Python wrapper for proj |
qgis | | Geographic Information System (GIS) |
qlandkartegt | | GPS visualisation and mapping tool, supports Garmin devices |
qlandkartegt-garmindev | | Garmin device drivers for qlandkartegt |
qlandkartem | | QLandkarteM is a moving map application for mobile devices |
shapelib | | Library for reading, writing and updating (limited) ESRI Shapefiles |
tex-pst-geo | | Geographical Projections |
tex-pst-geo-doc | | Documentation for tex-pst-geo |
viking | | Viking manages GPS data, supports OpenStreetMap and geocaching |
vis5d+ | | Volumetric Visualization program for scientific datasets |
xrmap | | Earth map viewer - complete |
xrmap-anthems | | National anthems (text) for xrmap |
xrmap-base | | Earth map viewer - base program |
xrmap-data | | Vector data for xrmap |
xrmap-factbook_html | | CIA factbook for xrmap (HTML) |
xrmap-factbook_text | | CIA factbook for xrmap |
xrmap-flags | | National flags for xrmap |
xrmap-hymns | | National anthems (MIDI) for xrmap |
xrmap-pdfmaps | | PDF maps for xrmap |