./x11/wmfstatus, General purpose 8x5 LCD screen for WindowMaker

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Branch: pkgsrc-2014Q1, Version: 0.4nb1, Package name: wmfstatus-0.4nb1, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

WMFstatus for WindowMaker (dockapp)

It is a very usefull general purpose 8x5 LCD screen. It can show any
information you provide manually or generate by some script/program.
Can monitor anything, starting with number of new messages in inbox
and ending with number of unread articles on Slashdot. I myself use
two instances of wmfstatus to see number of unread mails in the big
number of folders I have.

Required to run:

Required to build:

Master sites:

SHA1: c6f7bfa9fe51ac4e85912921d04a4ba7f7906b1f
RMD160: 4aa61a96fab92c31881dd4bf1d8210b13b2f48f0
Filesize: 19.535 KB

Version history: (Expand)