./mail/imap-uw, University of Washingtons IMAP, POP2, and POP3 servers

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Branch: pkgsrc-2014Q2, Version: 2007fnb2, Package name: imap-uw-2007fnb2, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

The UW imapd is the reference implementation of the IMAP4 protocol for
interactive remote retrieval of mail and storage of mail folders. Also
included are POP2 and POP3 servers and an IMAP protocol tester (mtest).

The Pine mail program includes an IMAP4 client driver, as does Netscape
version 4 and above.

MESSAGE.ssl [+/-]

Package options: imapuw-cleartextpwd, inet6, ssl

Master sites:

SHA1: 1c9935e5a261baec85dadcbc0c514b66fa3ce0a5
RMD160: 14f40284e9e164c0ed7677f1e5d8e3309c7c58c1
Filesize: 2728.056 KB

Version history: (Expand)