./devel/opal, Open Phone Abstraction Library

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Branch: pkgsrc-2015Q1, Version: 3.6.6nb8, Package name: opal-3.6.6nb8, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

OPAL is the "next generation" of OpenH323 that has a new architecture.
Not only does it support H.323 and SIP, but new VoIP protocols or
devices can be added very easily.
BTW: OPAL is an acronym for Open Phone Abstraction Library, but
that is not really important :)

Master sites: (Expand)

SHA1: bd5e3907faf96db884a64dacdedb2259aca30cd3
RMD160: b639709f7e28ce607478bddc41d171e0e54bee9f
Filesize: 6896.896 KB

Version history: (Expand)