./devel/p5-Config-Std, Perl 5 module providing a simple configuration-file system

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Branch: pkgsrc-2015Q1, Version: 0.901, Package name: p5-Config-Std-0.901, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

The Perl 5 module Config::Std implements yet another damn
configuration-file system. The configuration language is deliberately
simple and limited, and the module works hard to preserve as much
information (section order, comments, etc.) as possible when a
configuration file is updated

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SHA1: 8c73a130461789504a853ea0adfae45a46a766c0
RMD160: 9f6109c81066e04d0245aa1bebfcc2dce809ed6e
Filesize: 21.426 KB

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