./devel/p5-IMDB-Film, Perl module for accessing IMDB (Internet Movie Database)

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Branch: pkgsrc-2015Q1, Version: 0.53, Package name: p5-IMDB-Film-0.53, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

IMDB::Film is OO Perl interface to the database of films IMDB
(www.imdb.com). It allows to retrieve information about movies by
its IMDB code or title. Also, there is a possibility to get
information about IMDB persons (actors, actresses, directors, etc.)
by their name of code.

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SHA1: 67adc538c2edc86c4074b70cc7f2ec203464fd47
RMD160: 7eec12a14179b3588e705e6001192cf0cf12d9fc
Filesize: 83.565 KB

Version history: (Expand)