./net/vtun, Virtual Tunnels over TCP/IP networks with traffic shaping

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Branch: pkgsrc-2016Q1, Version: 3.0.3nb2, Package name: vtun-3.0.3nb2, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

VTun provides the method for creating Virtual Tunnels over TCP/IP
networks and allows to shape, compress, encrypt traffic in that

Supported type of tunnels are: PPP, IP, Ethernet and most of other
serial protocols and programs. VTun is easily and highly configurable,
it can be used for various network task like VPN, Mobile IP, Shaped
Internet access, IP address saving, etc. It is completely user
space implementation and does not require modification to any kernel

Note that the encryption used by VTun is quite weak;
see http://off.net/~jme/vtun_secu.html for details.


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SHA1: 7937e46420b5c2323f36774ab22e75e11c12da6c
RMD160: 4df179b523798930927103a4d91b428f941e25ed
Filesize: 127.003 KB

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