./net/wol, Small Wake On Lan client

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Branch: pkgsrc-2016Q1, Version: 0.7.1nb7, Package name: wol-0.7.1nb7, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

wol implements Wake On LAN functionality in a small program. It wakes
up hardware that is Magic Packet (tm) compliant. Consider you have a
sleeping or turned-off computer and you want to remotely wake him up.
Just type wol MAC-ADDRESS and the host wakes up (OK, it will boot ;-).

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SHA1: 7edd1a8c2d4baffc3b6baf8fcd12e786f9fc1fbd
RMD160: 856fefe482db4326df47f10f07ec97396f23870d
Filesize: 435.203 KB

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