./ham/gnuradio-wavelet, Wavelet transform of GNU Radio

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Branch: pkgsrc-2016Q4, Version: 3.7.10nb1, Package name: gnuradio-wavelet-3.7.10nb1, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

GNU Radio is a collection of software that when combined with minimal hardware,
allows the construction of radios where the actual waveforms transmitted and
received are defined by software. What this means is that it turns the digital
modulation schemes used in today's high performance wireless devices into
software problems.

This module provides Wavelet transform of GNU Radio.

Required to run:
[lang/python27] [math/fftwf] [math/py-scipy] [math/gsl] [devel/boost-libs] [devel/orc] [devel/py-cheetah] [devel/swig2] [ham/gnuradio-core]

Required to build:
[pkgtools/cwrappers] [devel/boost-headers]

Package options: filter-design

Master sites:

SHA1: 829abcf64df6ae76ee6f7643139a9eee9f8fd35a
RMD160: 7b8668117ad672259505c8b48002637503da54f4
Filesize: 4230.951 KB

Version history: (Expand)