./www/py-landslide, Generate HTML5 slideshows from markdown, ReST, or textile

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Branch: pkgsrc-2018Q2, Version: 1.1.3, Package name: py27-landslide-1.1.3, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

Landslide generates a slideshow using from markdown, ReST, or textile.

It builds off of Google's html5slides template.

Required to run:
[lang/python27] [textproc/py-docutils] [textproc/py-markdown] [textproc/py-pygments] [textproc/py-textile] [textproc/py-jinja2]

Required to build:

Master sites:

SHA1: 07e5adbe9c0264a66c348a92aebea1d64f2baea2
RMD160: 03eb20ea51997234a50b0aac0995f8b3ec286bd7
Filesize: 147.459 KB

Version history: (Expand)