2025-02-23 20:48:05 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
py-docutils: adapt for flit_core 3.11.
2024-04-28 11:55:06 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2) |  |
Log message:
py-docutils: update to 0.21.2.
Release 0.21.2 (2024-04-23)
* Declare support for languages Georgian and Catalan (Valencian).
* docs/ref/docutils.dtd
- Remove declaration of element <info>.
- Remove <decoration> from content declaration of <section> elements.
* Fix test failures.
2024-04-18 11:01:56 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (4) |  |
Log message:
py-docutils: update to 0.21.1.
Release 0.21.1 (2024-04-10)
The sdist in 0.21 was incomplete
- pypi allows no file replacing
- adding a postrelease suffix "post1": docutils-0.21.post1.tar.gz
works on pypi, but fails with pip because the metadata differs.
But if the metadata is 0.21.post1 pypi makes it a new release.
0.21.1 is the same code except for the version number.
Release 0.21 (2024-04-09)
* General
- Drop support for Python 3.7 and 3.8.
- Updated build system to use Flit_ (patch #186 by Adam Turner).
Removed ``setup.py``.
- Provide ``rst2*`` "console_scripts" `entry points`_
(without the ``.py`` extension) instead of installing the
``rst2*.py`` front end tools in the binary PATH.
.. _Flit: https://github.com/pypa/flit/
* docs/ref/docutils.dtd
- The <image> element accepts a new attribute "loading".
- Fix definitions (no change to actual behaviour):
* The <math_block> element uses the attribute "xml:space".
* The <raw> element may contain text only (no inline elements).
* The <topic> element uses the "depth" and "local" \
attributes to
store "contents" directive options when used as placeholder for a
generated table of contents (LaTeX writers with `use_latex_toc`_
- Documentation fix:
Reference names (``%refname.type`` and ``%refnames.type``)
are whitespace-normalized but **not** always downcased.
* docutils/frontend.py
- Allow `validate_*()` functions to be called with just the "value"
argument but keep the legacy interface for use with optparse.
- New function `frontend.validate_math_output()`.
* docutils/io.py
- Simpler and more secure `input encoding`_ default behaviour:
Do not use the locale encoding as fallback if Python is started in
`UTF-8 mode`_. Stop using "latin1" as second fallback.
Remove BOM (U+FEFF ZWNBSP at start of data) only if the \
configuration setting is None, '', 'utf-8-sig', 'utf-16', or 'utf-32'.
Do not remove other ZWNBSPs.
.. _UTF-8 mode: https://docs.python.org/3/library/os.html#utf8-mode
.. _input encoding: docs/api/publisher.html#encodings
- Auto-close `FileInput.source` in case of reading/decoding errors.
* docutils/languages/, docutils/parsers/rst/languages/
- Mark/Fix mistranslated localizations of the "admonition" directive
name. In Docutils, "admonition" is used as a generic term for
"advice"/"advisory"/"remark", not a reprimand.
- Add support for Georgian language (patch #204 by Temuri Doghonadze).
- Update/complete Catalan translations (patch #203 by Antoni Bella Pérez).
* docutils/nodes.py
- Remove compatibility hacks `nodes.reprunicode` and `nodes.ensure_str()`.
* docutils/parsers/rst/directives/images.py
- New "image" directive option "loading".
* docutils/parsers/rst/directives/tables.py
- Use the same CSV format for the ``:header:`` option and the main data
of the "csv-table" directive.
- Move `parsers.rst.directives.Table.process_header_option()` method
to `parsers.rst.directives.CSVTable`.
* docutils/parsers/rst/states.py
- Don't split inside "< >" when parsing "option \
groups" (fixes bug #474).
* docutils/parsers/rst/directives/misc.py,
- Consider the new root_prefix_ setting when including files with
"include", "raw", or "csv-table" directives.
* docutils/utils/math/*
- Use custom exception `utils.math.MathError` instead of
abusing `SyntaxError` for LaTeX math syntax errors.
- Unify interface of LaTeX -> MathML conversion functions.
Improve error reporting.
- Sort ℏ (`\hslash`) as "mathord", not "mathalpha".
* docutils/utils/math/latex2mathml.py
- Generate "MathML Core" to fix rendering with Chromium/Android.
Use CSS rules instead of the deprecated "columnalign" attribute
to style <mtable> as "align" environment.
Use Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols instead of <mstyle> with
"mathvariant" attribute.
- Use <mi> instead of <mo> for character class "mathord".
- Support "aligned" environment.
- Eliminate side-effect on later import of "tex2unichar".
* docutils/utils/math/mathml_elements.py
- New module defining MathML element classes
(outsourced from latex2mathml.py).
- Base MathML element classes on `xml.etree.ElementTree`.
* docutils/utils/roman.py
- Update to version `1.4 <https://pypi.org/project/roman/4.1/>`__.
Fixes feature-request #95 (license is now ZPL 2.1).
* docutils/utils/smartquotes.py
- Pre-compile regexps once, not with every call of `educateQuotes()`
(patch #206 by Chris Sewell).
- Simplify regexps; skip replacement rules if there is nothing to replace.
* docutils/writers/html4css1/__init__.py
- Support video inclusion via ``<object>`` tags.
* docutils/writers/html5_polyglot/\*.css
- Move MathML styles to "minimal.css" (required for correct rendering).
- Highlight heading of target section also with explicit hyperlink target.
- No additional margins for line-blocks.
* docutils/writers/_html_base.py
- Stop setting the "footnote-reference" class value for footnote \
Since 0.18, you can use the CSS selector ``[role="doc-noteref"]``.
- Support reading/embedding images also with "file:" URI.
- Warn, if image scaling fails because the image file cannot be read.
- Support video inclusion via ``<video>`` tags
(moved here from writers/html5_polyglot/__init__.py).
- New auxiliary method `HTMLTranslator.uri2imagepath()` ensures the
image file can also be read when CWD and output directory differ.
- Consider the root_prefix_ setting when converting an image URI
to a local filesystem path.
- New `\<image>`_ attribute "loading" overrides image_loading_ \
- Embed SVG images as ``<svg>`` instead of data-URI.
Fixes feature-request #100.
- Generate system messages for errors/warnings during the writing stage
(image transformations, math content conversion, ...).
- Close ``<dt>`` element in `depart_term()` to allow a
"definition_list_item" with multiple "terms" \
(cf. feature-request #60).
- Link to the document "#top" from the ToC heading
(unless toc_backlinks_ is False).
- Transfer `id` attribute from <field> elements to the respective
<field_name> child element to allow cross-references to field-list items
(<field>s are skipped in HTML output).
* docutils/writers/latex2e/__init__.py
- Fix placement of hyperlink target (label) for tables (bug #440).
- More compact LaTeX source for option-lists and description-lists
(no change in output).
* docutils/writers/manpage.py
- Put manual section in .TH in quotes.
- Skip footer to avoid the link to document source in the manpage.
- Add multiple definition list term support, see feature #60.
- Render reference, refid and refuri.
Use of ``.UR`` and ``.UE`` macros for reference markup is too brittle.
- Add preprocessor hinting tbl first line, see bug #477.
- Change tbl-Tables using box option, see bug #475.
- Apply literal block patch #205. Use ``.EE`` and ``.EX`` macros.
Thanks to G. Branden Robinson.
* docutils/writers/odf_odt/__init__.py
- Use context manager for image reading operations.
Catch `URLError` when `urllib.request.urlopen()` fails.
- Convert image URI to path if accessing a local file. Fixes bug #153.
* docutils/writers/s5_html/__init__.py
- Warn if the S5 writer cannot copy the theme files.
- Programmatic customization of theme_url_ setting no longer
overridden by the default for theme_.
* tools/buildhtml.py
- New configuration setting `sources`_.
- Match `prune`_ values with `fnmatch.fnmatch()`.
2023-05-21 19:45:36 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (3) |  |
Log message:
py-docutils: update to 0.20.1.
Release 0.20.1 (2023-05-17)
Bugfix release.
2023-05-17 00:37:29 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (3) |  |
Log message:
py-docutils: update to 0.20.
Release 0.20 (2023-05-09)
* General
- Docutils 0.20 is the last version supporting Python 3.7 and 3.8.
- Support Python 3.11 (patch #198 by Hugo van Kemenade).
* docutils/core.py
- New functions `rst2…()` for use as "console_scripts" `entry points`_.
(cf. `Future changes` in the RELEASE-NOTES_).
* docutils/frontend.py
- New configuration setting "output_". Obsoletes the \
positional argument (cf. `Future changes` in the RELEASE-NOTES_).
* docutils/languages/
- Support Ukrainian. Patch by Dmytro Kazanzhy.
* docutils/nodes.py
- Fix `previous_sibling()` method that led to invalid HTML in some cases
(cf. patch #195).
- Fix bug #463. Spurious comma in deprecation warning.
* docutils/parsers/recommonmark_wrapper.py
- Improved mock Sphinx module.
* docutils/transforms/__init__.py
- `Transformer.populate_from_components()` now silently ignores
components that are not instances of `docutils.TransformSpec`.
* docutils/transforms/frontmatter.py
- Accept author names with initials like ``A. Einstein`` in the "author"
`bibliographic field`_ instead of rising an error
(generally, such names are `parsed as enumerated list`__).
.. _bibliographic field:
__ docs/ref/rst/restructuredtext.html#enumerated-lists
* docutils/transforms/references.py
- `DanglingReferences` ignores `citation_reference` nodes if the
"use_bibex" setting is active. (In this case, citations are provided
by LaTeX/BibTeX.) Fixes bug #384.
* docutils/utils/__init__.py
- New utility function `xml_declaration()`.
- `DependencyList.add()` accepts `pathlib.Path` instances.
- `find_file_in_dirs()` now returns a POSIX path also on Windows;
`get_stylesheet_list()` no longer converts ``\`` to ``/``.
* docutils/utils/math/latex2mathml.py
- Support "mod" notation for modulo operation / modulus arithmetic.
* docutils/utils/math/tex2mathml_extern.py
- Support `Pandoc` as alternative LaTeX to MathML converter.
Patch by Ximin Luo.
* docutils/writers/_html_base.py
- Refactoring of `HTMLTranslator` initialization and collecting of
document "parts". Adapt HTML writers importing `_html_base`.
Changes to the HTML output (no space character before closing tag of
XML declaration, order of metadata elements)
don't affect the HTML semantics, styling, and rendering.
- Wrap definition lists with "details" class argument in a <div>
with the "id" and "class" values of the list node.
- Use dpub-ARIA role "doc-footnote__" (instead of ARIA role \
for footnotes.
__ https://www.w3.org/TR/dpub-aria-1.1/#doc-footnote
* docutils/writers/latex2e/__init__.py
- Do not load the `inputenc` package in UTF-8 encoded LaTeX sources.
(UTF-8 is the default encoding for LaTeX2e since 2018).
- Fix behaviour of the use_bibtex_ setting.
- Outsource parts of `depart_document()` to new auxiliary methods
`make_title()` and `append_bibliography()`.
- Ensure POSIX paths in stylesheet loading macros.
* docutils/writers/latex2e/titlepage.tex
- Drop ``\usepackage{fixltx2e}`` from template.
(Obsolete since 2015 and dropped from other templates in Docutils 0.14.)
* docutils/writers/manpage.py
- Do not output empty "manual" in ``.TH``.
* docutils/writers/xetex/__init__.py
- Ignore settings in the [latex2e writer] configuration file section.
Place common settings in section [latex writers].
* setup.py
- Fix SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning: ``Installing '' as data is deprecated``
by adding data directories to package_data.packages list.
* tox.ini
- Extracted flake8 configuration and moved to ``.flake8``.
- changedir to directory ``test`` to avoid path problems.
* test/
- Refactored tests to use common `unittest` idioms.
Fixes errors when running the test suite with ``python -m unittest``
or external test frameworks, such as Pytest_.
.. _pytest: https://pypi.org/project/pytest/
* test/coverage.sh
- Removed. Use the coverage.py_ project instead,
``coverage run test/alltests.py`` and ``coverage report``.
.. _coverage.py: https://pypi.org/project/coverage/
* tools/
- Moved ``quicktest.py`` to ``tools/dev/``.
2023-05-09 12:14:27 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) |
Log message:
py-docutils: avoid self-conflict
2023-05-03 21:07:52 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (3) |  |
Log message:
py-docutils: update to 0.19.
Release 0.19 (2022-07-05)
(Release 0.19b1 (2022-06-21))
* Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, and 3.6.
* Output changes:
Wrap groups of footnotes in an ``<aside>`` for easier styling.
The CSS rule ``.footnote-list { display: contents; }`` can be used to
restore the behaviour of custom CSS styles.
* After package installation, the CLI commands ``python -m docutils`` and
``docutils`` start the `generic command line front end tool`__.
__ docs/user/tools.html#generic-command-line-front-end
* Support parsing "Markdown" input with 3rd party parsers
myst_, pycmark_, or recommonmark_.
* The default values for the "pep-references", "rfc-base-url",
and "python-home" `configuration settings`_ now use the \
"https:" scheme.
The PEP-writer template's header is updated to fix links and
resemble the header of official PEPs.
* Various bugfixes and improvements (see HISTORY_).
.. _myst: https://pypi.org/project/myst-docutils
.. _pycmark: https://pypi.org/project/pycmark/
.. _recommonmark: https://pypi.org/project/recommonmark/
.. _configuration settings: docs/user/config.html
Release 0.18.1 (2021-12-23)
.. Note::
Docutils 0.18.x is the last version supporting Python 2.7, 3.5, and 3.6.
* ``nodes.Node.traverse()`` returns a list again to restore backwards
compatibility (fixes bug #431).
Use ``nodes.Node.findall()`` to get an iterator.
* re-add module ``parsers.rst.directives.html``
(stub, emits deprecation warning and loads
"Meta" directive from ist new place at ``parsers.rst.directives.misc``.)
* Small bugfixes (see HISTORY_).
Release 0.18 (2021-10-26)
* Output changes:
- During `identifier normalization`_, leading number and hyphen
characters are no longer stripped from a `reference name`_, if the
id_prefix_ setting is non-empty.
with ``--id-prefix="DU-"``, a section with title "34. \
currently gets the identifier key ``DU-may`` and after the
change the identifier key ``DU-34-may``.
- The default value for the auto_id_prefix_ setting changed to ``%``:
"use the tag name as prefix for auto-generated IDs".
Set auto_id_prefix_ to ``id`` for unchanged auto-IDs.
- Use the semantic tag <aside> for footnote text and citations, topics
(except abstract and toc), admonitions, and system messages.
Use <nav> for the Table of Contents.
- Make "auto" table column widths the default: Only specify column
widths, if the `"widths" option`_ is set and not "auto".
The table-style__ setting "colwidths-grid" restores the current \
.. _"widths" option: __ docs/ref/rst/directives.html#table
__ docs/user/config.html#table-style
- Items of a definition list with class argument "details" are
converted to `details disclosure elements`_. Example::
..class:: details
This additional information should be hidden.
- Do not add "compound-first", "compound-middle", or \
"compound-last" to
elements nested in a compound. Use child selector and ":first-child",
":last-child" pseudo classes instead.
- Use class value "backrefs" instead of "fn-backref" for \
a span of
- Write footnote brackets and field term colons to HTML, so that they
are present also without CSS and when copying text.
- Move space character between section number and heading into
"sectnum" span.
`math-output`_: html
- Support more commands, fix mapping of commands to Unicode characters.
- Scale variable sized operators and big delimiters with CSS.
- Don't use <tt> element (deprecated in HTML5).
- Use STIX fonts if available.
`legacy_class_functions`_ setting default changed to "False",
admonitions are now environments.
* New standard Docutils doctree node: <meta__>.
* New configuration settings:
- [latex writers] legacy_column_widths_ and
- [html5 writer] image_loading_.
* Removed files:
``iepngfix.htc`` and ``blank.gif`` (IE 6 workaround for `s5_html`).
* Removed sub-module:
(reversed in release 0.18.1).
* Removed function: utils.unique_combinations()
(obsoleted by itertools.combinations()).
* Removed attributes:
- ``HTMLTranslator.topic_classes``: check ``node.parent.classes`` instead.
- ``nodes.Text.rawsource``: we store the null-escaped text in Text
nodes since 0.16 so there is no additional information in the
* Major refactoring and fixes/additions in
``docutils/utils/math/math2html.py`` and
(mathematical notation in HTML, cf. `LaTeX syntax for mathematics`_).
* nodes.Node.traverse() returns an iterator instead of a list
(reversed in release 0.18.1).
* Various bugfixes and improvements (see HISTORY_).
Fix spelling errors in documentation and docstrings.
Thanks to Dimitri Papadopoulos.
__ docs/ref/doctree.html#meta
.. _identifier normalization:
.. _id_prefix: docs/user/config.html#id-prefix
.. _auto_id_prefix: docs/user/config.html#auto-id-prefix
.. _details disclosure elements:
.. _LaTeX syntax for mathematics: docs/ref/rst/mathematics.html
.. _legacy_column_widths: docs/user/config.html#legacy-column-widths
2023-05-02 18:35:15 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1) |
Log message:
py-docutils: not for Python 2