./x11/xcb-util, XCB Utilities

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Branch: pkgsrc-2018Q2, Version: 0.4.0, Package name: xcb-util-0.4.0, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

The xcb-util module provides a number of libraries which sit on top of
libxcb, the core X protocol library, and some of the extension
libraries. These experimental libraries provide convenience functions
and interfaces which make the raw X protocol more usable. Some of the
libraries also provide client-side code which is not strictly part of
the X protocol but which have traditionally been provided by Xlib.

These libraries are currently included, roughly ordered by maturity:

render-util: Convenience functions for the Render extension.
aux: Convenient access to connection setup and some core requests.
atom: Standard core X atom constants and atom caching.
property: Callback X property-change handling.
icccm: Both client and window-manager helpers for ICCCM.
keysyms: Standard X key constants and conversion to/from keycodes.
event: Callback X event handling.
image: Port of Xlib's XImage and XShmImage functions.
wm: Framework for window manager implementation.

Required to run:

Required to build:
[devel/gperf] [pkgtools/cwrappers] [x11/xcb-proto]

Master sites:

SHA1: 7f2e9b7efcc2c34eb1d6ae312c3d73b075832e46
RMD160: a4e700fd34b4fc5792f93155d87f738d227b3f25
Filesize: 290.441 KB

Version history: (Expand)