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PHP Hypertext Preprocessor version 7.4
Branch: pkgsrc-2020Q1,
Version: 7.4.5,
Package name: php-7.4.5,
Maintainer: pkgsrc-usersPHP is a widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language
that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded
into HTML. It is modular, and object-oriented. Much of its syntax
is borrowed from C, Java and Perl with a couple of unique PHP-specific
features thrown in. The language is designed to allow web developers
to write dynamically generated pages quickly.
PHP 7.4 comes with numerous improvements and new features such as
* Typed Properties
* Arrow Functions
* Limited Return Type Covariance and Argument Type Contravariance
* Unpacking Inside Arrays
* Numeric Literal Separator
* Weak References
* Allow Exceptions from __toString()
* Opcache Preloading
* Several Deprecations
* Extensions Removed from the Core
For source downloads of PHP 7.4 please visit our downloads page Windows
binaries can be found on the PHP for Windows site. The list of changes is
recorded in the ChangeLog.
Required to run:[
devel/readline] [
devel/pcre2] [
security/openssl] [
Required to build:[
Package options: inet6, readline, ssl
Master sites: (Expand)
SHA1: 9d5540a3e2a686884e15a106da423f557740f50f
RMD160: 8d35d99da28f4685be664a2893b7583660ee7084
Filesize: 10030.563 KB
Version history: (Expand)
- (2020-04-30) Updated to version: php-7.4.5
- (2020-04-20) Package has been reborn
- (2020-04-19) Package added to, version php-7.4.4 (created)
CVS history: (Expand)
2020-05-15 18:54:48 by Benny Siegert | Files touched by this commit (1) |  |
Log message:
Pullup ticket #6199 - requested by taca
lang/php74: security fix
Revisions pulled up:
- lang/php/ 1.297
- lang/php74/distinfo 1.8
Module Name: pkgsrc
Committed By: taca
Date: Thu May 14 14:24:53 UTC 2020
Modified Files:
pkgsrc/lang/php74: distinfo
Log message:
lang/php74: update to 7.4.6
Update php74 to 7.4.6 (PHP 7.4.6).
14 May 2020, PHP 7.4.6
- Core:
. Fixed bug #78434 (Generator yields no items after valid() call). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #79477 (casting object into array creates references). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #79514 (Memory leaks while including unexistent file). (cmb,
. Fixed bug #79470 (PHP incompatible with 3rd party file system on demand).
. Fixed bug #78784 (Unable to interact with files inside a VFS for Git
repository). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #78875 (Long variables cause OOM and temp files are not cleaned).
(cmb) (CVE-2019-11048)
. Fixed bug #78876 (Long variables cause OOM and temp files are not cleaned).
(cmb) (CVE-2019-11048)
- DOM:
. Fixed bug #78221 (DOMNode::normalize() doesn't remove empty text nodes).
. Fixed bug #79336 (ext/exif/tests/bug79046.phpt fails on Big endian arch).
. Fixed bug #79491 (Search for .user.ini extends up to root dir). (cmb)
- MBString:
. Fixed bug #79441 (Segfault in mb_chr() if internal encoding is unsupported).
- OpenSSL:
. Fixed bug #79497 (stream_socket_client() throws an unknown error sometimes
with <1s timeout). (Joe Cai)
. Upgraded to PCRE2 10.34. (cmb)
- Phar:
. Fixed bug #79503 (Memory leak on duplicate metadata). (cmb)
- SimpleXML:
. Fixed bug #79528 (Different object of the same xml between 7.4.5 and
7.4.4). (cmb)
- SPL:
. Fixed bug #69264 (__debugInfo() ignored while extending SPL classes). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #67369 (ArrayObject serialization drops the iterator class).
(Alex Dowad)
- Standard:
. Fixed bug #79468 (SIGSEGV when closing stream handle with a stream filter
appended). (dinosaur)
. Fixed bug #79447 (Serializing uninitialized typed properties with __sleep
should not throw). (nicolas-grekas)
2020-04-30 09:35:30 by Benny Siegert | Files touched by this commit (1) |  |
Log message:
Pullup ticket #6174 - requested by taca
lang/php74: security fix
Revisions pulled up:
- lang/php/ 1.294
- lang/php74/distinfo 1.7
Module Name: pkgsrc
Committed By: taca
Date: Sat Apr 18 05:01:45 UTC 2020
Modified Files:
pkgsrc/lang/php74: distinfo
Log message:
lang/php74: update to 7.4.5
Update php74 to 7.4.5.
16 Apr 2020, PHP 7.4.5
- Core:
. Fixed bug #79364 (When copy empty array, next key is unspecified). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #78210 (Invalid pointer address). (cmb, Nikita)
. Fixed bug #79199 (curl_copy_handle() memory leak). (cmb)
- Date:
. Fixed bug #79396 (DateTime hour incorrect during DST jump forward). (Nate
. Fixed bug #74940 (DateTimeZone loose comparison always true). (cmb)
- FPM:
. Implement request #77062 (Allow numeric [UG]ID in FPM listen.{owner,group})
(Andre Nathan)
- Iconv:
. Fixed bug #79200 (Some iconv functions cut Windows-1258). (cmb)
- OPcache:
. Fixed bug #79412 (Opcache chokes and uses 100% CPU on specific script).
- Session:
. Fixed bug #79413 (session_create_id() fails for active sessions). (cmb)
- Shmop:
. Fixed bug #79427 (Integer Overflow in shmop_open()). (cmb)
- SimpleXML:
. Fixed bug #61597 (SXE properties may lack attributes and content). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #79357 (SOAP request segfaults when any request parameter is
missing). (Nikita)
- Spl:
. Fixed bug #75673 (SplStack::unserialize() behavior). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #79393 (Null coalescing operator failing with SplFixedArray).
- Standard:
. Fixed bug #79330 (shell_exec() silently truncates after a null byte). (stas)
. Fixed bug #79410 (system() swallows last chunk if it is exactly 4095 bytes
without newline). (Christian Schneider)
. Fixed bug #79465 (OOB Read in urldecode()). (stas)
- Zip:
. Fixed Bug #79296 (ZipArchive::open fails on empty file). (Remi)
. Fixed bug #79424 (php_zip_glob uses gl_pathc after call to globfree).
(Max Rees)