./security/libpreludedb, Provides an interface to the database used to store IDMEF alerts

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Branch: pkgsrc-2020Q3, Version:, Package name: libpreludedb-, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

Prelude is a hybrid IDS consisting of multiple
sensors, managers, and a display console. This
is Prelude DB Library. It allow the interface
allowing Prelude to use a DBMS for alert storage.
While libprelude support a choice of MySQL or
postgreSQL, this package uses MySQL because it
was nearly an order of magnitude faster during
test operation.

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SHA1: 617ca366401f461380ceff5de037efa7743ca1ec
RMD160: 70af1692966a6b31d4b18a2342a74991d3e8bfed
Filesize: 913.532 KB

Version history: (Expand)