./www/py-hyperframe, HTTP/2 framing layer for Python

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Branch: pkgsrc-2020Q3, Version: 5.2.0, Package name: py37-hyperframe-5.2.0, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

This library contains the HTTP/2 framing code used in the hyper project.
It provides a pure-Python codebase that is capable of decoding a binary
stream into HTTP/2 frames.

This library is used directly by hyper and a number of other projects to
provide HTTP/2 frame decoding logic.

Master sites:

SHA1: 87155e61519aa64d4b008610b4d101d0c06f5c4c
RMD160: 0c7914243dead0a0fcd40fe06642f25f02979f83
Filesize: 18.667 KB

Version history: (Expand)