./converters/latex2rtf, LaTeX to RTF converter

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Branch: pkgsrc-2021Q2, Version: 2.3.10nb1, Package name: latex2rtf-2.3.10nb1, Maintainer: brook

latex2rtf - Converts LaTeX file to RTF text-format

The latex2rtf command converts a LaTeX file into RTF text format. The
text and much of the formatting information is translated to RTF
making the new file look very similar to the original.

This package also provides latex2png for converting a LaTeX or EPS
files to a PNG image. It needs latex, ImageMagick's convert, dvips
and Ghostscript's eps2eps.

Master sites: (Expand)

SHA1: aa6adc7d6c25658aed1bc0bb70cf0274f7a770aa
RMD160: 678f8cb35083bffcfa8ee9994a6edf9248518242
Filesize: 314.172 KB

Version history: (Expand)