./lang/inform, Interactive fiction compiler (Z-Machine and Glulx)

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Branch: pkgsrc-2022Q1, Version: 6.33.20160609, Package name: inform-6.33.20160609, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

Inform is an Interactive Fiction (text adventure) game compiler -- it takes
source code you write and turns it into a game data file which is then
played using an 'interpreter'. There are several interpreters available
which can play Inform games on different machines (e.g. frotz, jzip) -- you
can probably obtain one from the same place you got this package.

Inform is written by Graham Nelson <graham@gnelson.demon.co.uk>, and you
are free to redistribute it under certain conditions -- see the file
COPYING for details.

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Filesize: 725.038 KB

Version history: (Expand)