./lang/mercury, Modern logic/functional programming language

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Branch: pkgsrc-2022Q1, Version: 14.01.1nb12, Package name: mercury-14.01.1nb12, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

Mercury is a modern logic/functional programming language, which
combines the clarity and expressiveness of declarative programming
with advanced static analysis and error detection features. Its
highly optimized execution algorithm delivers efficiency far in excess
of existing logic programming systems, and close to conventional
programming systems. Mercury addresses the problems of large-scale
program development, allowing modularity, separate compilation, and
numerous optimization/time trade-offs.

This package includes the compiler, profiler, debugger, documentation,
etc. It does NOT include the "extras" distribution; that is available
from <http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/mercury/download/release.html>.

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Filesize: 51424.751 KB

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