./lang/quickjs, Quick JavaScript interpreter

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Branch: pkgsrc-2022Q1, Version: 20210327nb1, Package name: quickjs-20210327nb1, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

QuickJS is a small and embeddable Javascript engine. It supports the
ES2020 specification including modules, asynchronous generators and

It optionally supports mathematical extensions such as big integers
(BigInt), big floating point numbers (BigFloat) and operator

Main Features:
* Small and easily embeddable: just a few C files, no external
dependency, 190 KiB of x86 code for a simple hello world program.
* Fast interpreter with very low startup time: runs the 56000
tests of the ECMAScript Test Suite in about 100 seconds on a
single core of a desktop PC. The complete life cycle of a runtime
instance completes in less than 300 microseconds.
* Almost complete ES2020 support including modules, asynchronous
generators and full Annex B support (legacy web compatibility).
* Passes 100% of the ECMAScript Test Suite.
* Can compile Javascript sources to executables with no external dependency.
* Garbage collection using reference counting (to reduce memory
usage and have deterministic behavior) with cycle removal.
* Mathematical extensions: BigInt, BigFloat, operator overloading,
bigint mode, math mode.
* Command line interpreter with contextual colorization implemented
in Javascript.
* Small built-in standard library with C library wrappers.

Master sites:

Filesize: 735.895 KB

Version history: (Expand)