3proxy | | Multi-protocol proxy |
6tunnel | | Tunnelling for applications that don't speak IPv6 |
adns | | Asynchronous-capable DNS client library and utilities |
aget | | Multithreaded HTTP download accelerator |
aiccu | | Automatic IPv6 Connectivity Client Utility |
amap (V) | | Applications and Services scanner |
amazon-ecs-cli | | Amazon ECS Cli |
amfora | | Terminal browser for the Gemini protocol |
amule | | Another Emule P2P client |
aoe-vblade | | ATA over Ethernet (AoE) server - thin, LAN-based storage protocol |
apollo | | Messaging broker built from the foundations of ActiveMQ |
argus | | System and Network Monitoring Application |
aria2 | | Multi-threaded, multi-protocol, flexible download accelerator |
arp-scan | | Discovery and fingerprinting tool using ARP |
arpd | | ARP daemon |
arping | | ARP-level ping utility |
arpwatch | | Monitor ARP activity on a network, maintaining a database |
asterisk13 (V) | | The Asterisk Software PBX |
asterisk16 (V) | | The Asterisk Software PBX |
asterisk18 (V) | | The Asterisk Software PBX |
asterisk19 (V) | | The Asterisk Software PBX |
asuka | | Gemini Project client written in rust with ncurses |
autonet | | Automatically configure network interface & WEP keys |
avahi | | Facilitate service discovery on a local network |
avahi-ui | | Facilitate service discovery on a local network (GUI) |
awhois | | All-encompassing whois client wrapper |
balance | | TCP loadbalancer with roundrobin and failover |
bandcamp-dl | | Simple Python script to download Bandcamp albums |
barnyard | | Fast output system for snort |
batchftp | | Automatically download files via the FTP protocol |
bbk_cli | | Bandwidth measurement tool for Nordic ISPs |
beanstalkd | | Simple, fast work queue |
bftpd | | Small and fast FTP server |
bind916 | | Berkeley Internet Name Daemon implementation of DNS, version 9.16 |
bird | | The BIRD Internet Routing Daemon |
bird6 | | The BIRD Internet Routing Daemon |
bmon | | Interface bandwidth monitor |
bombadillo | | Gopher/Gemini client for the terminal |
bounce | | Tool to forward TCP connection from one IP to another |
bridged | | Userland ethernet bridge daemon |
bsddip | | Dialup IP program |
btget | | Fast bittorrent client and library written in C |
btpd | | Daemon for file sharing over bittorrent |
bwm-ng | | Console-based bandwidth monitor |
bwping | | Tool to measure bandwidth and RTT between two hosts using ICMP |
cacti | | Web frontend to rrdtool for monitoring systems and services |
cacti-spine | | Cacti poller for large installations |
calypso | | CardDAV/CalDAV server |
castor | | Client for plain-text protocols like Gemini, Gopher and Finger |
cclive | | Command line video extraction tool for user-uploaded video hosts |
ccrtp | | RTP and RTSP protocol implementation using GNU CommonCpp |
cdpd | | Simple daemon to send Cisco Discovery Protocol packets |
checkbot (V) | | Verify links on a set of HTML pages |
chksniff | | Small tool to check for promiscuous interfaces |
choparp | | Simple proxy arp daemon |
choqok | | Twitter and StatusNet client for KDE |
chrony | | Daemon for maintaining the accuracy of computer clocks |
cia | | Simple IP accounting software |
cidr | | RFC 1878 subnet calculator / helper |
cisco-mibs | | Public SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 MIBs from Cisco |
citrix_ica | | Citrix(R) ICA client for the Citrix(R) Presentation Server(TM) |
clisp-rawsock | | CLISP rawsock module |
clive | | Command line video extraction tool for user-uploaded video hosts |
cmu-dhcpd | | CMU BootP and DHCP server, plus Princeton patches |
cntlm | | NTLM/NTLMv2 authenticating HTTP proxy |
coda | | Coda distributed fileystem |
coilmq | | Simple, lightweight, and easily extensible STOMP message broker |
connect | | Open a TCP connection using a SOCKS4/5 or HTTP proxy server |
corebird | | Native Gtk+ Twitter Client |
corkscrew | | Tool for tunneling SSH through HTTP proxies |
couriertcpd | | Courier TCP socket and TLS servers |
coursera-dl | | Download course ressources for Coursera classes |
csup | | Rewrite of the CVSup file updating client in C |
czds | | Client to the CZDS REST API |
dante | | BSD-licensed socks 4/5 proxy suite |
daq | | Abstraction layer for libpcap |
darkstat | | Network statistics gatherer |
DarwinStreamingServer | | Open source version of Apple QuickTime Streaming Server |
dbip-asn-lite | | DB-IP IP to ASN Lite: IPv4/v6 address to ASN |
dbip-city-lite | | DB-IP IP to City Lite: IPv4/v6 address to city |
dbip-country-lite | | DB-IP IP to Country Lite: IPv4/v6 address to country |
dc_gui2 | | Graphical user interface for DCTC |
dctc | | Direct Connect clone (Direct Connect Text Client) |
ddclient | | Client to update dynamic DNS entries |
ddos-scan (V) | | Scan for a limited set of distributed denial of service (ddos) agents |
deforaos-vncviewer | | DeforaOS desktop VNC viewer |
delegate | | General purpose TCP/IP proxy system |
dgd | | Object-oriented programmable server |
dhcpcd | | DHCP / IPv4LL / IPv6RA / DHCPv6 client |
dhcpcd-dbus | | DBus binding for dhcpcd |
dhcpcd-gtk | | GTK+ system tray monitor for dhcpcd |
dhcpcd-icons | | Shared icons for dhcpcd-gtk and dhcpcd-qt |
dhcpcd-qt | | Qt system tray monitor for dhcpcd |
dhcpd-pools | | ISC dhcpd lease analysis and reporting |
dhid | | Dynamic Host Information System client daemon |
dhisd | | DynDNS server |
djbdns | | Collection of secure and reliable DNS tools |
djbdns-run | | Configures djbdns to cache and serve queries |
djbdnscurve6 | | Fork of djbdns with IPv6 and DNSCurve support |
dlint | | Internet Domain Name System (DNS) error checking utility |