2025-02-15 17:10:56 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) |  |
Log message:
py-trio: updated to 0.29.0
Trio 0.29.0 (2025-02-14)
- Add :func:`trio.lowlevel.in_trio_run` and :func:`trio.lowlevel.in_trio_task` \
and document the semantics (and differences) thereof. See :ref:`the \
documentation <trio_contexts>`.
- If `trio.testing.RaisesGroup` does not get the expected exceptions it now \
raises an `AssertionError` with a helpful message, instead of letting the raised \
exception/group fall through. The raised exception is available in the \
``__context__`` of the `AssertionError` and can be seen in the traceback.
- Clear Trio's cache of worker threads upon `os.fork`.
Miscellaneous internal changes
- Stop using ctypes to mutate tracebacks for ``strict_exception_groups=False``'s \
exception collapsing.
- Fixed spelling error in Windows error code enum for ``ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER``.
- Publicly re-export ``__version__`` for type checking purposes.
- The typing of :func:`trio.abc.HostnameResolver.getaddrinfo` has been corrected to
match that of the stdlib `socket.getaddrinfo`, which was updated in mypy 1.15 (via
a typeshed update) to include the possibility of ``tuple[int, bytes]`` for the
``sockaddr`` field of the result. This happens in situations where Python was \
with ``--disable-ipv6``.
Additionally, the static typing of :func:`trio.to_thread.run_sync`,
:func:`trio.from_thread.run` and :func:`trio.from_thread.run_sync` has been
improved and should reflect the underlying function being run.
2024-12-25 22:57:13 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) |  |
Log message:
py-trio: updated to 0.28.0
Trio 0.28.0 (2024-12-25)
- :func:`inspect.iscoroutinefunction` and the like now give correct answers when
called on KI-protected functions.
- Rework KeyboardInterrupt protection to track code objects, rather than frames,
as protected or not. The new implementation no longer needs to access
``frame.f_locals`` dictionaries, so it won't artificially extend the lifetime of
local variables. Since KeyboardInterrupt protection is now imposed statically
(when a protected function is defined) rather than each time the function runs,
its previously-noticeable performance overhead should now be near zero.
The lack of a call-time wrapper has some other benefits as well:
* :func:`inspect.iscoroutinefunction` and the like now give correct answers when
called on KI-protected functions.
* Calling a synchronous KI-protected function no longer pushes an additional stack
frame, so tracebacks are clearer.
* A synchronous KI-protected function invoked from C code (such as a weakref
finalizer) is now guaranteed to start executing; previously there would be a \
window in which KeyboardInterrupt could be raised before the protection was
One minor drawback of the new approach is that multiple instances of the same
closure share a single KeyboardInterrupt protection state (because they share a
single code object). That means that if you apply
`@enable_ki_protection <trio.lowlevel.enable_ki_protection>` to some of them
and not others, you won't get the protection semantics you asked for. See the
documentation of `@enable_ki_protection <trio.lowlevel.enable_ki_protection>`
for more details and a workaround.
- Rework foreign async generator finalization to track async generator
ids rather than mutating ``ag_frame.f_locals``. This fixes an issue
with the previous implementation: locals' lifetimes will no longer be
extended by materialization in the ``ag_frame.f_locals`` dictionary that
the previous finalization dispatcher logic needed to access to do its work.
- Ensure that Pyright recognizes our underscore prefixed attributes for attrs \
- Fix `trio.testing.RaisesGroup`'s typing.
Improved documentation
- Improve error message when run after gevent's monkey patching.
- Document that :func:`trio.sleep_forever` is guaranteed to raise an exception now.
Removals without deprecations
- Remove workaround for OpenSSL 1.1.1 DTLS ClientHello bug.
- Drop support for Python 3.8.
Miscellaneous internal changes
- Switch to using PEP570 for positional-only arguments for \
`~trio.socket.SocketType`'s methods.
- Improve type annotations in several places by removing `Any` usage.
- Get and enforce 100% coverage
2024-11-11 08:29:31 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (862) |
Log message:
py-*: remove unused tool dependency
py-setuptools includes the py-wheel functionality nowadays
2024-10-20 10:23:04 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) |  |
Log message:
py-trio: update to 0.27.0
Trio 0.27.0 (2024-10-17)
Breaking changes
- :func:`trio.move_on_after` and :func:`trio.fail_after` previously set the \
deadline relative to initialization time, instead of more intuitively upon \
entering the context manager. This might change timeouts if a program relied on \
this behavior. If you want to restore previous behavior you should instead use \
``trio.move_on_at(trio.current_time() + ...)``.
flake8-async has a new rule to catch this, in case you're supporting older \
trio versions. See :ref:`ASYNC122`.
- :meth:`CancelScope.relative_deadline` and :meth:`CancelScope.is_relative` \
added, as well as a ``relative_deadline`` parameter to ``__init__``. This allows \
initializing scopes ahead of time, but where the specified relative deadline \
doesn't count down until the scope is entered.
- :class:`trio.Lock` and :class:`trio.StrictFIFOLock` will now raise \
:exc:`trio.BrokenResourceError` when :meth:`trio.Lock.acquire` would previously \
stall due to the owner of the lock exiting without releasing the lock.
- `trio.move_on_at`, `trio.move_on_after`, `trio.fail_at` and `trio.fail_after` \
now accept *shield* as a keyword argument. If specified, it provides an initial \
value for the `~trio.CancelScope.shield` attribute of the `trio.CancelScope` \
object created by the context manager.
- Added :func:`trio.lowlevel.add_parking_lot_breaker` and \
:func:`trio.lowlevel.remove_parking_lot_breaker` to allow creating custom \
lock/semaphore implementations that will break their underlying parking lot if a \
task exits unexpectedly. :meth:`trio.lowlevel.ParkingLot.break_lot` is also \
added, to allow breaking a parking lot intentionally.
- Allow sockets to bind any ``os.PathLike`` object.
- Update ``trio.lowlevel.open_process``'s documentation to allow bytes.
- Update :func:`trio.sleep_forever` to be `NoReturn`.
Improved documentation
- Add docstrings for memory channels' ``statistics()`` and ``aclose`` methods.
2024-08-08 07:16:50 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) |  |
Log message:
py-trio: updated to 0.26.2
Trio 0.26.2 (2024-08-08)
- Remove remaining ``hash`` usage and fix test configuration issue that \
prevented it from being caught.
2024-08-05 21:02:55 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) |  |
Log message:
py-trio: updated to 0.26.1
Trio 0.26.1 (2024-08-05)
- Switched ``attrs`` usage off of ``hash``, which is now deprecated.
Miscellaneous internal changes
- Use PyPI's Trusted Publishers to make releases.
2024-07-07 16:50:16 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (3) |  |
Log message:
py-trio: update to 0.26.0.
Added an interactive interpreter python -m trio.
This makes it easier to try things and experiment with trio in the a Python repl.
Use the await keyword without needing to call trio.run()
$ python -m trio
Trio 0.26.0, Python 3.10.6
Use "await" directly instead of "trio.run()".
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or \
"license" for more information.
>>> import trio
>>> await trio.sleep(1); print("hi") # prints after one second
See interactive debugging for further detail. (#2972)
trio.testing.RaisesGroup can now catch an unwrapped exception with \
unwrapped=True. This means that the behaviour of except* can be fully replicated \
in combination with flatten_subgroups=True (formerly strict=False). (#2989)
Fixed a bug where trio.testing.RaisesGroup(..., strict=False) would check \
the number of exceptions in the raised ExceptionGroup before flattening \
subgroups, leading to incorrectly failed matches.
It now properly supports end ($) regex markers in the match message, by no \
longer including " (x sub-exceptions)" in the string it matches \
against. (#2989)
Deprecations and removals
Deprecated strict parameter from trio.testing.RaisesGroup, previous \
functionality of strict=False is now in flatten_subgroups=True. (#2989)
2024-05-16 09:46:12 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) |  |
Log message:
py-trio: updated to 0.25.1
Trio 0.25.1 (2024-05-16)
- Fix crash when importing trio in embedded Python on Windows, and other \
installs that remove docstrings.
2024-03-23 08:26:07 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) |  |
Log message:
py-trio: updated to 0.25.0
Trio 0.25.0 (2024-03-17)
Breaking changes
- The :ref:`strict_exception_groups <strict_exception_groups>` parameter \
now defaults to `True` in `trio.run` and `trio.lowlevel.start_guest_run`. \
`trio.open_nursery` still defaults to the same value as was specified in \
`trio.run`/`trio.lowlevel.start_guest_run`, but if you didn't specify it there \
then all subsequent calls to `trio.open_nursery` will change.
This is unfortunately very tricky to change with a deprecation period, as \
raising a `DeprecationWarning` whenever :ref:`strict_exception_groups \
<strict_exception_groups>` is not specified would raise a lot of \
unnecessary warnings.
Notable side effects of changing code to run with ``strict_exception_groups==True``
* If an iterator raises `StopAsyncIteration` or `StopIteration` inside a \
nursery, then python will not recognize wrapped instances of those for stopping \
* `trio.run_process` is now documented that it can raise an `ExceptionGroup`. \
It previously could do this in very rare circumstances, but with \
:ref:`strict_exception_groups <strict_exception_groups>` set to `True` it \
will now do so whenever exceptions occur in ``deliver_cancel`` or with problems \
communicating with the subprocess.
* Errors in opening the process is now done outside the internal nursery, so \
if code previously ran with ``strict_exception_groups=True`` there are cases now \
where an `ExceptionGroup` is *no longer* added.
* `trio.TrioInternalError` ``.__cause__`` might be wrapped in one or more \
`ExceptionGroups <ExceptionGroup>`
- Add `trio.testing.wait_all_threads_completed`, which blocks until no threads \
are running tasks. This is intended to be used in the same way as \
- :class:`Path` is now a subclass of :class:`pathlib.PurePath`, allowing it to \
interoperate with other standard
:mod:`pathlib` types.
Instantiating :class:`Path` now returns a concrete platform-specific subclass, \
one of :class:`PosixPath` or
:class:`WindowsPath`, matching the behavior of :class:`pathlib.Path`.
- The pthread functions are now correctly found on systems using vanilla \
versions of musl libc.
Miscellaneous internal changes
- use the regular readme for the PyPI long_description
2024-01-12 19:47:30 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) |  |
Log message:
py-trio: updated to 0.24.0
Trio 0.24.0 (2024-01-10)
- New helper classes: :class:`~.testing.RaisesGroup` and :class:`~.testing.Matcher`.
In preparation for changing the default of ``strict_exception_groups`` to \
`True`, we're introducing a set of helper classes that can be used in place of \
`pytest.raises \
<https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/reference/reference.html#pytest.raises>`_ \
in tests, to check for an expected `ExceptionGroup`.
These are provisional, and only planned to be supplied until there's a good \
solution in ``pytest``.
Deprecations and removals
- ``MultiError`` has been fully removed, and all relevant trio functions now \
raise ExceptionGroups instead. This should not affect end users that have \
transitioned to using ``except*`` or catching ExceptionGroup/BaseExceptionGroup.