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CVS Commit History:

   2024-04-03 09:12:25 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-werkzeug py-werkzeug-docs: updated to 3.0.2

Version 3.0.2

- Ensure setting merge_slashes to False results in NotFound for
  repeated-slash requests against single slash routes. :issue:`2834`
- Fix handling of TypeError in TypeConversionDict.get() to match
  ValueErrors. :issue:`2843`
- Fix response_wrapper type check in test client. :issue:`2831`
- Make the return type of ``MultiPartParser.parse`` more
  precise. :issue:`2840`
- Raise an error if converter arguments cannot be
  parsed. :issue:`2822`
   2023-11-05 11:54:16 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-werkzeug*: update to 3.0.1

Version 3.0.1

Released 2023-10-24

-   Fix slow multipart parsing for large parts potentially enabling DoS
    attacks. :cwe:`CWE-407`

Version 3.0.0

Released 2023-09-30

-   Remove previously deprecated code. :pr:`2768`
-   Deprecate the ``__version__`` attribute. Use feature detection, or
    ``importlib.metadata.version("werkzeug")``, instead. :issue:`2770`
-   ``generate_password_hash`` uses scrypt by default. :issue:`2769`
-   Add the ``"werkzeug.profiler"`` item to the  WSGI ``environ`` \ 
    passed to `ProfilerMiddleware`'s `filename_format` function. It contains
    the ``elapsed`` and ``time`` values for the profiled request. :issue:`2775`
-   Explicitly marked the PathConverter as non path isolating. :pr:`2784`
   2023-10-28 21:57:26 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (516) | Package updated
Log message:
python/ simplify a lot, and switch to 'installer' for installation

This follows the recommended bootstrap method (flit_core, build, installer).

However, installer installs different files than pip, so update PLISTs
for all packages using and bump their PKGREVISIONs.
   2023-08-22 09:03:53 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (4) | Package updated
Log message:
py-werkzeug: updated to 2.3.7

Version 2.3.7

- Use ``flit_core`` instead of ``setuptools`` as build backend.
- Fix parsing of multipart bodies. :issue:`2734`
  Adjust index of last newline in data start. :issue:`2761`
- ``_plain_int`` and ``_plain_float`` strip whitespace before type
  enforcement. :issue:`2734`
- Fix empty file streaming when testing. :issue:`2740`
- Clearer error message when URL rule does not start with slash. :pr:`2750`
- ``Accept`` ``q`` value can be a float without a decimal part. :issue:`2751`
   2023-08-02 01:20:57 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (158)
Log message:
*: remove more references to Python 3.7
   2023-06-14 08:56:41 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-werkzeug: updated to 2.3.6

Version 2.3.6
-   ``FileStorage.content_length`` does not fail if the form data did not provide a
    value. :issue:`2726`

Version 2.3.5
-   Python 3.12 compatibility. :issue:`2704`
-   Fix handling of invalid base64 values in ``Authorization.from_header``. \ 
-   The debugger escapes the exception message in the page title. :pr:`2719`
-   When binding ``routing.Map``, a long IDNA ``server_name`` with a port does \ 
not fail
    encoding. :issue:`2700`
-   ``iri_to_uri`` shows a deprecation warning instead of an error when passing \ 
-   When parsing numbers in HTTP request headers such as ``Content-Length``, \ 
only ASCII
    digits are accepted rather than any format that Python's ``int`` and ``float``
    accept. :issue:`2716`
   2023-05-09 07:23:45 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-werkzeug: updated to 2.3.4

Version 2.3.4
- ``Authorization.from_header`` and ``WWWAuthenticate.from_header`` detects tokens
  that end with base64 padding (``=``). :issue:`2685`
- Remove usage of ``warnings.catch_warnings``. :issue:`2690`
- Remove ``max_form_parts`` restriction from standard form data parsing and only use
  if for multipart content. :pr:`2694`
- ``Response`` will avoid converting the ``Location`` header in some cases to \ 
  invalid URL schemes like ``itms-services``. :issue:`2691`
   2023-05-05 17:42:58 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-werkzeug: update to 2.3.3.

Version 2.3.3

Released 2023-05-01

-   Fix parsing of large multipart bodies. Remove invalid leading newline, and \ 
    parsing speed. :issue:`2658, 2675`
-   The cookie ``Path`` attribute is set to ``/`` by default again, to prevent \ 
    from falling back to RFC 6265's ``default-path`` behavior. :issue:`2672, 2679`
   2023-05-05 13:42:55 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (4) | Package updated
Log message:
py-werkzeug: update to 2.3.2.

Version 2.3.2

Released 2023-04-28

-   Parse the cookie ``Expires`` attribute correctly in the test client. \ 
-   ``max_content_length`` can only be enforced on streaming requests if the server
    sets ``wsgi.input_terminated``. :issue:`2668`
-   The cookie ``Path`` attribute is set to ``/`` by default again, to prevent \ 
    from falling back to RFC 6265's ``default-path`` behavior. :issue:`2672`

Version 2.3.1

Released 2023-04-27

-   Percent-encode plus (+) when building URLs and in test requests. :issue:`2657`
-   Cookie values don't quote characters defined in RFC 6265. :issue:`2659`
-   Include ``pyi`` files for ``datastructures`` type annotations. :issue:`2660`
-   ``Authorization`` and ``WWWAuthenticate`` objects can be compared for equality.

Version 2.3.0

Released 2023-04-25

-   Drop support for Python 3.7. :pr:`2648`
-   Remove previously deprecated code. :pr:`2592`
-   Passing bytes where strings are expected is deprecated, as well as the \ 
    and ``errors`` parameters in many places. Anywhere that was annotated, \ 
    or tested to accept bytes shows a warning. Removing this artifact of the \ 
    from Python 2 to 3 removes a significant amount of overhead in instance \ 
checks and
    encoding cycles. In general, always work with UTF-8, the modern HTML, URL, \ 
and HTTP
    standards all strongly recommend this. :issue:`2602`
-   Deprecate the ``werkzeug.urls`` module, except for the ``uri_to_iri`` and
    ``iri_to_uri`` functions. Use the ``urllib.parse`` library instead. :issue:`2600`
-   Update which characters are considered safe when using percent encoding in URLs,
    based on the WhatWG URL Standard. :issue:`2601`
-   Update which characters are considered safe when using percent encoding for \ 
    filenames in downloads. :issue:`2598`
-   Deprecate the ``safe_conversion`` parameter of ``iri_to_uri``. The ``Location``
    header is converted to IRI using the same process as everywhere else. \ 
-   Deprecate ``werkzeug.wsgi.make_line_iter`` and ``make_chunk_iter``. :pr:`2613`
-   Use modern packaging metadata with ``pyproject.toml`` instead of ``setup.cfg``.
-   ``Request.get_json()`` will raise a ``415 Unsupported Media Type`` error if the
    ``Content-Type`` header is not ``application/json``, instead of a generic 400.
-   A URL converter's ``part_isolating`` defaults to ``False`` if its ``regex`` \ 
    a ``/``. :issue:`2582`
-   A custom converter's regex can have capturing groups without breaking the router.
-   The reloader can pick up arguments to ``python`` like ``-X dev``, and does not
    require heuristics to determine how to reload the command. Only available
    on Python >= 3.10. :issue:`2589`
-   The Watchdog reloader ignores file opened events. Bump the minimum version of
    Watchdog to 2.3.0. :issue:`2603`
-   When using a Unix socket for the development server, the path can start with \ 
a dot.
-   Increase default work factor for PBKDF2 to 600,000 iterations. :issue:`2611`
-   ``parse_options_header`` is 2-3 times faster. It conforms to :rfc:`9110`, some
    invalid parts that were previously accepted are now ignored. :issue:`1628`
-   The ``is_filename`` parameter to ``unquote_header_value`` is deprecated. \ 
-   Deprecate the ``extra_chars`` parameter and passing bytes to \ 
    the ``allow_token`` parameter to ``dump_header``, and the ``cls`` parameter and
    passing bytes to ``parse_dict_header``. :pr:`2618`
-   Improve ``parse_accept_header`` implementation. Parse according to :rfc:`9110`.
    Discard items with invalid ``q`` values. :issue:`1623`
-   ``quote_header_value`` quotes the empty string. :pr:`2618`
-   ``dump_options_header`` skips ``None`` values rather than using a bare key.
-   ``dump_header`` and ``dump_options_header`` will not quote a value if the \ 
key ends
    with an asterisk ``*``.
-   ``parse_dict_header`` will decode values with charsets. :pr:`2618`
-   Refactor the ``Authorization`` and ``WWWAuthenticate`` header data structures.
    :issue:`1769`, :pr:`2619`

    -   Both classes have ``type``, ``parameters``, and ``token`` attributes. The
        ``token`` attribute supports auth schemes that use a single opaque token \ 
        than ``key=value`` parameters, such as ``Bearer``.
    -   Neither class is a ``dict`` anymore, although they still implement getting,
        setting, and deleting ``auth[key]`` and ``auth.key`` syntax, as well as
        ``auth.get(key)`` and ``key in auth``.
    -   Both classes have a ``from_header`` class method. \ 
        and ``parse_www_authenticate_header`` are deprecated.
    -   The methods ``WWWAuthenticate.set_basic`` and ``set_digest`` are deprecated.
        Instead, an instance should be created and assigned to
    -   A list of instances can be assigned to ``response.www_authenticate`` to set
        multiple header values. However, accessing the property only returns the \ 

-   Refactor ``parse_cookie`` and ``dump_cookie``. :pr:`2637`

    -   ``parse_cookie`` is up to 40% faster, ``dump_cookie`` is up to 60% faster.
    -   Passing bytes to ``parse_cookie`` and ``dump_cookie`` is deprecated. The
        ``dump_cookie`` ``charset`` parameter is deprecated.
    -   ``dump_cookie`` allows ``domain`` values that do not include a dot ``.``, and
        strips off a leading dot.
    -   ``dump_cookie`` does not set ``path="/"`` unnecessarily by default.

-   Refactor the test client cookie implementation. :issue:`1060, 1680`

    -   The ``cookie_jar`` attribute is deprecated. ``http.cookiejar`` is no \ 
longer used
        for storage.
    -   Domain and path matching is used when sending cookies in requests. The
        ``domain`` and ``path`` parameters default to ``localhost`` and ``/``.
    -   Added a ``get_cookie`` method to inspect cookies.
    -   Cookies have ``decoded_key`` and ``decoded_value`` attributes to match \ 
what the
        app sees rather than the encoded values a client would see.
    -   The first positional ``server_name`` parameter to ``set_cookie`` and
        ``delete_cookie`` is deprecated. Use the ``domain`` parameter instead.
    -   Other parameters to ``delete_cookie`` besides ``domain``, ``path``, and
        ``value`` are deprecated.

-   If ``request.max_content_length`` is set, it is checked immediately when \ 
    the stream, and while reading from the stream in general, rather than only during
    form parsing. :issue:`1513`
-   The development server, which must not be used in production, will exhaust the
    request stream up to 10GB or 1000 reads. This allows clients to see a 413 \ 
error if
    ``max_content_length`` is exceeded, instead of a "connection \ 
reset" failure.
-   The development server discards header keys that contain underscores ``_``, \ 
as they
    are ambiguous with dashes ``-`` in WSGI. :pr:`2622`
-   ``secure_filename`` looks for more Windows reserved file names. :pr:`2623`
-   Update type annotation for ``best_match`` to make ``default`` parameter clearer.
-   Multipart parser handles empty fields correctly. :issue:`2632`
-   The ``Map`` ``charset`` parameter and ``Request.url_charset`` property are
    deprecated. Percent encoding in URLs must always represent UTF-8 bytes. Invalid
    bytes are left percent encoded rather than replaced. :issue:`2602`
-   The ``Request.charset``, ``Request.encoding_errors``, ``Response.charset``, and
    ``Client.charset`` attributes are deprecated. Request and response data must \ 
    use UTF-8. :issue:`2602`
-   Header values that have charset information only allow ASCII, UTF-8, and \ 
    :pr:`2614, 2641`
-   Update type annotation for ``ProfilerMiddleware`` ``stream`` parameter.
-   Use postponed evaluation of annotations. :pr:`2644`
-   The development server escapes ASCII control characters in decoded URLs before
    logging the request to the terminal. :pr:`2652`
-   The ``FormDataParser`` ``parse_functions`` attribute and ``get_parse_func`` \ 
    and the invalid ``application/x-url-encoded`` content type, are deprecated.
-   ``generate_password_hash`` supports scrypt. Plain hash methods are \ 
deprecated, only
    scrypt and pbkdf2 are supported. :issue:`2654`
   2023-03-03 12:47:43 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-werkzeug: updated to 2.2.3

Version 2.2.3
- Ensure that URL rules using path converters will redirect with strict slashes when
  the trailing slash is missing. :issue:`2533`
- Type signature for ``get_json`` specifies that return type is not optional when
  ``silent=False``. :issue:`2508`
- ``parse_content_range_header`` returns ``None`` for a value like ``bytes */-1``
  where the length is invalid, instead of raising an ``AssertionError``. \ 
- Address remaining ``ResourceWarning`` related to the socket used by ``run_simple``.
  Remove ``prepare_socket``, which now happens when creating the server. \ 
- Update pre-existing headers for ``multipart/form-data`` requests with the test
  client. :issue:`2549`
- Fix handling of header extended parameters such that they are no longer quoted.
- ```` works correctly when wrapping a stream that may not return
  the requested size in one ``read`` call. :issue:`2558`
- A cookie header that starts with ``=`` is treated as an empty key and discarded,
  rather than stripping the leading ``==``.
- Specify a maximum number of multipart parts, default 1000, after which a
  ``RequestEntityTooLarge`` exception is raised on parsing. This mitigates a DoS
  attack where a larger number of form/file parts would result in disproportionate
  resource use.

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