2020-08-14 08:56:26 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (59) |  |
Log message:
postgresql: updated to 12.4, 11.9, 10.14, 9.6.19, 9.5.23
PostgreSQL 12.4, 11.9, 10.14, 9.6.19, 9.5.23
Security Issues
CVE-2020-14349: Uncontrolled search path element in logical replication.
Versions Affected: 10 - 12.
The PostgreSQL search_path setting determines schemas searched for tables, \
functions, operators, etc. The CVE-2018-1058 fix caused most PostgreSQL-provided \
client applications to sanitize search_path, but logical replication continued \
to leave search_path unchanged. Users of a replication publisher or subscriber \
database can create objects in the public schema and harness them to execute \
arbitrary SQL functions under the identity running replication, often a \
superuser. Installations having adopted a documented secure schema usage pattern \
are not vulnerable.
The PostgreSQL project thanks Noah Misch for reporting this problem.
CVE-2020-14350: Uncontrolled search path element in CREATE EXTENSION.
Versions Affected: 9.5 - 12. The security team typically does not test \
unsupported versions, but this problem is quite old.
When a superuser runs certain CREATE EXTENSION statements, users may be able to \
execute arbitrary SQL functions under the identity of that superuser. The \
attacker must have permission to create objects in the new extension's schema or \
a schema of a prerequisite extension. Not all extensions are vulnerable.
In addition to correcting the extensions provided with PostgreSQL, the \
PostgreSQL Global Development Group is issuing guidance for third-party \
extension authors to secure their own work.
Bug Fixes and Improvements
This update also fixes over 50 bugs that were reported in the last several \
months. Some of these issues affect only version 12, but many affect all \
supported versions.
Some of these fixes include:
Fix edge cases in partition pruning involving multiple partition key columns \
with multiple or no constraining WHERE clauses.
Several fixes for query planning and execution involving partitions.
Fix for determining when to execute a column-specific UPDATE trigger on a \
logical replication subscriber.
pg_replication_slot_advance() now updates the oldest xmin and LSN values, as the \
failure to do this could prevent resources (e.g. WAL files) from being cleaned \
Fix a performance regression in ts_headline().
Ensure that pg_read_file() and related functions read until EOF is reached, \
which fixes compatibility with pipes and other virtual files.
Forbid numeric NaN values in jsonpath computations, which do not exist in SQL \
nor JSON.
Several fixes for NaN inputs with aggregate functions. This fixes a change in \
PostgreSQL 12 where NaN values caused the following aggregates to emit values of \
0 instead of NaN: corr(), covar_pop(), regr_intercept(), regr_r2(), \
regr_slope(), regr_sxx(), regr_sxy(), regr_syy(), stddev_pop(), and var_pop().
time and timetz values fractionally greater than 24:00:00 are now rejected.
Several fixes for EXPLAIN, including a fix for reporting resource usage when a \
plan uses parallel workers with "Gather Merge" nodes.
Fix timing of constraint revalidation in ALTER TABLE that could lead to odd errors.
Fix for REINDEX CONCURRENTLY that could prevent old values from being included \
in future logical decoding output.
Fix for LATERAL references that could potentially cause crashes during query \
Use the collation specified for a query when estimating operator costs
Fix conflict-checking anomalies in SERIALIZABLE transaction isolation mode.
Ensure checkpointer process discards file sync requests when fsync is off
Fix issue where pg_control could be written out with an inconsistent checksum, \
which could lead to the inability to restart the database if it crashed before \
the next pg_control update.
Ensure that libpq continues to try to read from the database connection socket \
after a write failure, as this allows the connection to collect any final error \
messages from the server.
Report out-of-disk-space errors properly in pg_dump and pg_basebackup
Several fixes for pg_restore, including a fix for parallel restore on tables \
that have both table-level and column-level privileges.
Fix for pg_upgrade to ensure it runs with vacuum_defer_cleanup_age set to 0.
Fix how pg_rewind handles just-deleted files in the source data directory
Fix failure to initialize local state correctly in contrib/dblink, which could \
lead to dblink_close() issuing an unexpected COMMIT on the remote server.
Change contrib/amcheck to not report about deleted index pages that are empty, \
as this is normal during WAL replay.
2020-06-02 10:25:05 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (1689) |
Log message:
Revbump for icu
2020-05-12 17:53:19 by Roland Illig | Files touched by this commit (16) |
Log message:
databases/postgresql*: suppress USE_TOOLS+=perl warning
2020-02-14 18:06:46 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (67) |  |
Log message:
postgresqlNN: updated to 12.2, 11.7, 10.12, 9.6.17, 9.5.21, and 9.4.26
PostgreSQL 12.2, 11.7, 10.12, 9.6.17, 9.5.21, and 9.4.26
PostgreSQL 9.4 Now EOL
This is the last release for PostgreSQL 9.4, which will no longer receive \
security updates and bug fixes. PostgreSQL 9.4 introduced new features such as \
JSONB support, the ALTER SYSTEM command, the ability to stream logical changes \
to an output plugin, and more.
While we are very proud of this release, these features are also found in newer \
versions of PostgreSQL. Many of these features have also received improvements, \
and, per our versioning policy, it is time to retire PostgreSQL 9.4.
To receive continued support, we suggest that you make plans to upgrade to a \
newer, supported version of PostgreSQL. Please see the PostgreSQL versioning \
policy for more information.
Security Issues
CVE-2020-1720: ALTER ... DEPENDS ON EXTENSION is missing authorization checks.
Versions Affected: 9.6 - 12
The ALTER ... DEPENDS ON EXTENSION sub-commands do not perform authorization \
checks, which can allow an unprivileged user to drop any function, procedure, \
materialized view, index, or trigger under certain conditions. This attack is \
possible if an administrator has installed an extension and an unprivileged user \
can CREATE, or an extension owner either executes DROP EXTENSION predictably or \
can be convinced to execute DROP EXTENSION.
Bug Fixes and Improvements
This update also fixes over 75 bugs that were reported in the last several \
months. Some of these issues affect only version 12, but may also affect all \
supported versions.
Some of these fixes include:
Fix for partitioned tables with foreign-key references where TRUNCATE ... \
CASCADE would not remove all data. If you have previously used TRUNCATE ... \
CASCADE on a partitioned table with foreign-key references please see the \
"Updating" section for verification and cleanup steps.
Fix failure to add foreign key constraints to table with sub-partitions (aka a \
multi-level partitioned table). If you have previously used this functionality, \
you can fix it by either detaching and re-attaching the affected partition, or \
by dropping and re-adding the foreign key constraint to the parent table. You \
can find more information on how to perform these steps in the ALTER TABLE \
Fix performance issue for partitioned tables introduced by the fix for \
CVE-2017-7484 that now allows the planner to use statistics on a child table for \
a column that the user is granted access to on the parent table when the query \
contains a leaky operator.
Several other fixes and changes for partitioned tables, including disallowing \
partition key expressions that return pseudo-types, such as RECORD.
Fix for logical replication subscribers for executing per-column UPDATE triggers.
Fix for several crashes and failures for logical replication subscribers and \
Improve efficiency of logical replication with REPLICA IDENTITY FULL.
Ensure that calling pg_replication_slot_advance() on a physical replication slot \
will persist changes across restarts.
Several fixes for the walsender processes.
Improve performance of hash joins with very large inner relations.
Fix placement of "Subplans Removed" field in EXPLAIN output by placing \
it with its parent Append or MergeAppend plan.
Several fixes for parallel query plans.
Several fixes for query planner errors, including one that affected joins to \
single-row subqueries.
Several fixes for MCV extend statistics, including one for incorrect estimation \
for OR clauses.
Improve efficiency of parallel hash join on CPUs with many cores.
Ignore the CONCURRENTLY option when performing an index creation, drop, or \
reindex on a temporary table.
Fall back to non-parallel index builds when a parallelized CREATE INDEX has no \
free dynamic shared memory slots.
Several fixes for GiST & GIN indexes.
Fix possible crash in BRIN index operations with box, range and inet data types.
Fix support for BRIN hypothetical indexes.
Fix failure in ALTER TABLE when a column referenced in a GENERATED expression is \
added or changed in type earlier in the same ALTER TABLE statement.
Fix handling of multiple AFTER ROW triggers on a foreign table.
Fix off-by-one result for EXTRACT(ISOYEAR FROM timestamp) for BC dates.
Prevent unwanted lowercasing and truncation of RADIUS authentication parameters \
in the pg_hba.conf file.
Several fixes for GSSAPI support, including having libpq accept all GSS-related \
connection parameters even if the GSSAPI code is not compiled in.
Several fixes for pg_dump and pg_restore when run in parallel mode.
Fix crash with postgres_fdw when trying to execute a remote query on the remote \
server such as UPDATE remote_tab SET (x,y) = (SELECT ...).
Disallow NULL category values in the crosstab() function of contrib/tablefunc to \
prevent crashes.
Several fixes for Windows, including a race condition that could cause timing \
oddities with NOTIFY.
Several ecpg fixes.
2020-01-18 22:51:16 by Jonathan Perkin | Files touched by this commit (1836) |
Log message:
*: Recursive revision bump for openssl 1.1.1.
2019-05-13 22:38:13 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (24) |  |
Log message:
postgresqlNN: updated to the latest
PostgreSQL 11.3, 10.8, 9.6.13, 9.5.17, and 9.4.22 Released!
The PostgreSQL Global Development Group has released an update to all supported \
versions of our database system, including 11.3, 10.8, 9.6.13, 9.5.17, and \
9.4.22. This release fixes two security issues in the PostgreSQL server, a \
security issue found in two of the PostgreSQL Windows installers, and over 60 \
bugs reported over the last three months.
Security Issues
Four security vulnerabilities have been closed by this release:
CVE-2019-10127: BigSQL Windows installer does not clear permissive ACL entries
CVE-2019-10128: EnterpriseDB Windows installer does not clear permissive ACL entries
Due to both the EnterpriseDB and BigSQL Windows installers not locking down the \
permissions of the PostgreSQL binary installation directory and the data \
directory, an unprivileged Windows user account and an unprivileged PostgreSQL \
account could cause the PostgreSQL service account to execute arbitrary code.
This vulnerability is present in all supported versions of PostgreSQL for these \
installers, and possibly exists in older versions. Both sets of installers have \
fixed the permissions for these directories for both new and existing \
installations. If you have installed PostgreSQL on Windows using other methods, \
we advise that you check that your PostgreSQL binary directories are writable \
only to trusted users and that your data directories are only accessible to \
trusted users.
The PostgreSQL project thanks Conner Jones for reporting this problem.
CVE-2019-10129: Memory disclosure in partition routing
Prior to this release, a user running PostgreSQL 11 can read arbitrary bytes of \
server memory by executing a purpose-crafted INSERT statement to a partitioned \
CVE-2019-10130: Selectivity estimators bypass row security policies
PostgreSQL maintains statistics for tables by sampling data available in \
columns; this data is consulted during the query planning process. Prior to this \
release, a user able to execute SQL queries with permissions to read a given \
column could craft a leaky operator that could read whatever data had been \
sampled from that column. If this happened to include values from rows that the \
user is forbidden to see by a row security policy, the user could effectively \
bypass the policy. This is fixed by only allowing a non-leakproof operator to \
use this data if there are no relevant row security policies for the table.
This issue is present in PostgreSQL 9.5, 9.6, 10, and 11. The PostgreSQL project \
thanks Dean Rasheed for reporting this problem.
Bug Fixes and Improvements
This update also fixes over 60 bugs that were reported in the last several \
months. Some of these issues affect only version 11, but many affect all \
supported versions.
Some of these fixes include:
Several catalog corruption fixes, including one related to running ALTER TABLE \
on a partitioned table
Several fixes for partitioning
Avoid server crash when an error occurs while trying to persist a cursor query \
across a transaction commit
Avoid O(N^2) performance issue when rolling back a transaction that created many \
Fix possible “could not access status of transaction” failures in txid_status()
Fix updatable views to handle explicit DEFAULT items in INSERT .. VALUES \
statements where there are multiple VALUES rows
Fix CREATE VIEW to allow zero-column views
Add missing support for the CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS .. AS EXECUTE .. statement
Ensure that sub-SELECTs appearing in row-level-security policy expressions are \
executed with the correct user's permissions
Accept XML documents as valid values of type xml when xmloption is set to \
content, as required by SQL:2006 and later
Fix incompatibility of GIN-index WAL records that were introduced in 11.2, 10.7, \
9.6.12, 9.5.16, and 9.4.21 that affected replica servers running these versions \
reading in changes to GIN indexes from primary servers of older versions
Several memory leak fixes as well as fixes to management of dynamic shared memory
Relax panics on fsync and sync_file_range failures for certain cases where a \
failure indicated "operation not supported"
Several fixes to the query planner, several of which should lead to planning \
Fix race condition in which a hot-standby postmaster could fail to shut down \
after receiving a smart-shutdown request
Several fixes for SCRAM authentication
Fix handling of lc_time settings that imply an encoding different from the \
database's encoding
Create the current_logfiles file with the same permissions as other files in the \
server's data directory
Several ecpg fixes
Make pg_verify_checksums verify that the data directory it's pointed at is of \
the right PostgreSQL version
Several fixes for contrib/postgres_fdw, including one for remote partitions \
where an UPDATE could lead to incorrect results or a crash
Several Windows fixes
This update also contains tzdata release 2019a for DST law changes in Palestine \
and Metlakatla, plus historical corrections for Israel. Etc/UCT is now a \
backward-compatibility link to Etc/UTC, instead of being a separate zone that \
generates the abbreviation UCT, which nowadays is typically a typo. PostgreSQL \
will still accept UCT as an input zone abbreviation, but it won't output it.
2019-04-25 09:33:32 by Maya Rashish | Files touched by this commit (620) |
Log message:
PKGREVISION bump for anything using python without a PYPKGPREFIX.
This is a semi-manual PKGREVISION bump.
2018-11-09 19:12:28 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (63) |  |
Log message:
postgresNN: updated to the latest
The PostgreSQL Global Development Group has released an update to all supported \
versions of our database system, including 11.1, 10.6, 9.6.11, 9.5.15, 9.4.20, \
and 9.3.25. This release fixes one security issue as well as bugs reported over \
the last three months.
All users using the affected versions of PostgreSQL should update as soon as \
possible. Please see the notes on "Updating" below for any post-update \
steps that may be required if you are using pg_stat_statements in your \
This update is also the final release for PostgreSQL 9.3, which is now \
end-of-life and will no longer receive any bug or security fixes. If your \
environment still uses PostgreSQL 9.3, please make plans to update to a \
community supported version as soon as possible. Please see our versioning \
policy for more information.
Security Issues
One security vulnerability has been closed by this release:
CVE-2018-16850: SQL injection in pg_upgrade and pg_dump, via CREATE TRIGGER ... \
Versions Affected: 10, 11
Using a purpose-crafted trigger definition, an attacker can run arbitrary SQL \
statements with superuser privileges when a superuser runs pg_upgrade on the \
database or during a pg_dump dump/restore cycle. This attack requires a CREATE \
privilege on some non-temporary schema or a TRIGGER privilege on a table. This \
is exploitable in the default PostgreSQL configuration, where all users have \
CREATE privilege on public schema.
Bug Fixes and Improvements
This update also fixes numerous bugs that were reported in the last several \
months. Some of these issues affect only version 11, but many affect all \
supported versions.
These releases include fixes that:
Ensure that automatically created child indexes are created in the same \
tablespace as the parent partitioned index
Fix several crashes with triggers
Fix problems with applying ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS to a partitioned temporary table
Fix how NULL values are handled when using LEFT JOIN with a parallelized hash join
Several fixes around using named or defaulted arguments in CALL statements
Fix for strict aggregate functions (i.e. aggregates that cannot accept NULL \
inputs) with ORDER BY columns that enforces the strictness check
Fix with CASE statements where an expression was cast to an array type
Disable an optimization for updating expression indexes in order to prevent a crash
Fix a memory leak that occurred on a specific case of using a SP-GiST index
Fix for pg_verify_checksums incorrectly reporting on files that are not expected \
to have checksums
Prevent the PostgreSQL server from starting when wal_level is set to a value \
that cannot support an existing replication slot
Ensure that the server will process already-received NOTIFY and SIGTERM \
interrupts before waiting for client input
Allow PL/Ruby to work with newer versions of PostgreSQL
Fix for character-class checks on Windows for Unicode characters above U+FFFF, \
which affected full-text search as well as contrib/ltree and contrib/pg_trgm
Fix a case where psql would not report the receipt of a message from a NOTIFY \
call until after the next command
Fix build problems on macOS 10.14 (Mojave)
Several build fixes for the Windows platform
This updates also contains tzdata release 2018g for DST law changes in Chile, \
Fiji, Morocco, and Russia (Volgograd), plus historical corrections for China, \
Hawaii, Japan, Macau, and North Korea.
2018-08-22 11:48:07 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (3558) |
Log message:
Recursive bump for perl5-5.28.0
2016-04-09 14:51:50 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (90) |  |
Log message:
The PostgreSQL Global Development Group has released an update to all supported \
versions of our database system, including 9.5.2, 9.4.7, 9.3.12, 9.2.16, and \
9.1.21. This release fixes two security issues and one index corruption issue in \
version 9.5. It also contains a variety of bug fixes for earlier versions. Users \
of PostgreSQL 9.5.0 or 9.5.1 should update as soon as possible.
This release closes security hole CVE-2016-2193, where a query plan might get \
reused for more than one ROLE in the same session. This could cause the wrong \
set of Row Level Security (RLS) policies to be used for the query.
The update also fixes CVE-2016-3065, a server crash bug triggered by using \
pageinspect with BRIN index pages. Since an attacker might be able to expose a \
few bytes of server memory, this crash is being treated as a security issue.