2018-04-18 09:30:53 by Filip Hajny | Files touched by this commit (3) |
Log message:
databases/py-cassandra-driver: Update to 3.14.0.
- Add one() function to the ResultSet API
- Create an utility function to fetch concurrently many keys from the
same replica
- Allow filter queries with fields that have an index managed outside
of cqlengine
- Twisted SSL Support
- Support IS NOT NULL operator in cqlengine
- Fix Broken Links in Docs
- Reevaluate MONKEY_PATCH_LOOP in test codebase
- Remove CASS_SERVER_VERSION and replace it for CASSANDRA_VERSION in
- Refactor CASSANDRA_VERSION to a some kind of version object
- Log warning when driver configures an authenticator, but server does
not request authentication
- Warn users when using the deprecated
- Add DSE smoke test to OSS driver tests
- Document long compilation times and workarounds
- Improve error for batch WriteTimeouts
- Deprecate ResultSet indexing
- cqlengine: LIKE filter operator
- Support cassandra.query.BatchType with cqlengine BatchQuery
Bug Fixes
- AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'add_timer'
- Support retry_policy in PreparedStatement
- __del__ method in Session is throwing an exception
- LZ4 import issue with recent versions
- ResponseFuture._connection can be None when returning request_id
- ResultSet.was_applied doesn't support batch with LWT statements
- cqlengine: avoid warning when unregistering connection on shutdown
- Fix DeprecationWarning of log.warn
- Fix example_mapper.py for python3
- Possible deadlock on cassandra.concurrent.execute_concurrent
- Add some known deprecated warnings for 4.x
- Remove copyright dates from copyright notices
- Remove "Experimental" tag from execution profiles documentation
- request_timer metrics descriptions are slightly incorrect
- Remove "Experimental" tag from cqlengine connections documentation
- Set in documentation default consistency for operations is LOCAL_ONE
2017-11-16 15:49:12 by Filip Hajny | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
Update databases/py-cassandra-driver to 3.12.0.
- Send keyspace in QUERY, PREPARE, and BATCH messages
- Add IPv4Address/IPv6Address support for inet types
- WriteType.CDC and VIEW missing
- Warn on Cluster init if contact points are specified but LBP isn't
- Include hash of result set metadata in prepared stmt id
- Add NO_COMPACT startup option
- Add new exception type for CDC
Bug Fixes
- Both _set_final_exception/result called for the same ResponseFuture
- Use of DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy raises NoHostAvailable exception
- Not create two sessions by default in CQLEngine
- Bug when subclassing AyncoreConnection
- Error at cleanup when closing the asyncore connections
- Fix sites where sessions can change during iteration
- cqlengine: allow min_length=0 for Ascii and Text column types
- Rare exception when "sys.exit(0)" after query timeouts
- Dont set the session keyspace when preparing statements
- Use of DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy raises NoHostAvailable exception
- Remove DeprecationWarning when using WhiteListRoundRobinPolicy
- Bump Cython dependency version to 0.27
2017-08-02 17:32:48 by Filip Hajny | Files touched by this commit (3) |
Log message:
Update databases/py-cassandra-driver to 3.11.0.
- Add idle_heartbeat_timeout cluster option to tune how long to wait
for heartbeat responses.
- Add HostFilterPolicy
Bug Fixes
- is_idempotent flag is not propagated from PreparedStatement to
- Fix asyncore hang on exit
- Driver takes several minutes to remove a bad host from session
- Installation doesn't always fall back to no cython in Windows
- Avoid to replace a connection that is supposed to shutdown
- request_ids may not be returned to the pool
- Fix murmur3 on big-endian systems
- Ensure unused connections are closed if a Session is deleted by the
- Fix .values_list by using db names internally (cqlengine)
- Bump Cython dependency version to 0.25.2
- Fix DeprecationWarning when using lz4
- Deprecate WhiteListRoundRobinPolicy
- Improve upgrade guide for materializing pages
- Documentation for time/date specifies timestamp inupt as
- Point to DSA Slack, not IRC, in docs index
2017-06-14 16:19:02 by Filip Hajny | Files touched by this commit (3) |  |
Log message:
Update databases/py-cassandra-driver to 3.10.0
- Add Duration type to cqlengine
- Community PR review: Raise error on primary key update only if its
value changed
- get_query_trace() contract is ambiguous
Bug Fixes
- Queries using speculative execution policy timeout prematurely
- Fix map where results are not consumed
- Driver fails to encode Duration's with large values
- UDT values are not updated correctly in CQLEngine
- UDT types are not validated in CQLEngine
- to_python is not implemented for types columns.Type and columns.Date
in CQLEngine
- Clients spin infinitely trying to connect to a host that is drained
- Resulset.get_query_trace returns empty trace sometimes
- Memory grows and doesn't get removed
- Fix RuntimeError caused by change dict size during iteration
- fix ExponentialReconnectionPolicy may throw OverflowError problem
- Avoid using nonexistent prepared statement in ResponseFuture
- Update README
- Test python versions 3.5 and 3.6
- Docs Warning About Prepare "select *"
- Increase Coverage in CqlEngine Test Suite
- Example SSL connection code does not verify server certificates
2017-04-18 17:31:36 by Filip Hajny | Files touched by this commit (2) |  |
Log message:
Update databases/py-cassandra-driver to 3.9.0.
- cqlengine: remove elements by key from a map
Bug Fixes
- improve error handling when connecting to non-existent keyspace
- Sockets associated with sessions not getting cleaned up on
- rare flake on
- MontonicTimestampGenerator.__init__ ignores class defaults
- race where callback or errback for request may not be called
- cqlengine: model.update() should not update columns with a default
value that hasn't changed
- cqlengine: field value manager's explicit flag is True when queried
back from cassandra
- Connection not closed in example_mapper
- Remove mention of pre-2.0 C* versions from OSS 3.0+ docs
Bug Fixes
- implement __le__/__ge__/__ne__ on some custom types
- Fix bug in eventlet and gevent reactors that could cause hangs
- Fix DecimalType regression
2017-02-27 09:41:49 by Filip Hajny | Files touched by this commit (4) |
Log message:
Update databases/py-cassandra-driver to 3.8.0.
- Quote index names in metadata CQL generation (PYTHON-616)
- On column deserialization failure, keep error message consistent
between python and cython (PYTHON-631)
- TokenAwarePolicy always sends requests to the same replica for a given
key (PYTHON-643)
- Added cql types to result set (PYTHON-648)
- Add __len__ to BatchStatement (PYTHON-650)
- Duration Type for Cassandra (PYTHON-655)
- Send flags with PREPARE message in v5 (PYTHON-684)
Bug Fixes
- Potential Timing issue if application exits prior to session pool
initialization (PYTHON-636)
- "Host X.X.X.X has been marked down" without any exceptions
- NoHostAvailable or OperationTimedOut when using execute_concurrent
with a generator that inserts into more than one table (PYTHON-642)
- ResponseFuture creates Timers and don't cancel them even when result
is received which leads to memory leaks (PYTHON-644)
- Driver cannot connect to Cassandra version > 3 (PYTHON-646)
- Unable to import model using UserType without setuping connection
since 3.7 (PYTHON-649)
- Don't prepare queries on ignored hosts on_up (PYTHON-669)
- Sockets associated with sessions not getting cleaned up on
session.shutdown() (PYTHON-673)
- Make client timestamps strictly monotonic (PYTHON-676)
- cassandra.cqlengine.connection.register_connection broken when
hosts=None (PYTHON-692)
- Create a cqlengine doc section explaining None semantics (PYTHON-623)
- Resolve warnings in documentation generation (PYTHON-645)
- Cython dependency (PYTHON-686)
- Drop Support for Python 2.6 (PYTHON-690)
2017-02-16 11:43:12 by Filip Hajny | Files touched by this commit (3) |
Log message:
Add support for Cython>0.24 using an override mechanism in trunk.
2016-11-04 12:00:53 by Filip Hajny | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
Update databases/py-cassandra-driver to 3.7.1.
- Cython upgrade has broken stable version of cassandra-driver
2016-09-19 13:56:10 by Filip Hajny | Files touched by this commit (2) |  |
Log message:
Update databases/py-cassandra-driver to 3.7.0.
- Add v5 protocol failure map
- Don't return from initial connect on first error
- Indicate failed column when deserialization fails
- Let Cluster.refresh_nodes force a token map rebuild
- Refresh UDTs after "keyspace updated" event with v1/v2 protocol
- EC2 Address Resolver
- Speculative query retries
- Expose paging state in API
- Don't mark host down while one connection is active
- Query request size information
- Avoid quadratic ring processing with invalid replication factors
- Improve Connection/Pool creation concurrency on startup
- Add beta version native protocol flag
- cqlengine: Connections: support of multiple keyspaces and
Bug Fixes
- Race when adding a pool while setting keyspace
- Update results_metadata when prepared statement is reprepared
- CQL Export for Thrift Tables
- cqlengine: default value not applied to UserDefinedType
- cqlengine: columns are no longer hashable
- cqlengine: remove clustering keys from where clause when
deleting only static columns
2016-08-09 11:01:21 by Filip Hajny | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
Update databases/py-cassandra-driver to 3.6.0.
- Handle null values in NumpyProtocolHandler (PYTHON-553)
- Collect greplin scales stats per cluster (PYTHON-561)
- Update mock unit test dependency requirement (PYTHON-591)
- Handle Missing CompositeType metadata following C* upgrade
- Improve Host.is_up state for HostDistance.IGNORED hosts
- Utilize v2 protocol's ability to skip result set metadata for
prepared statement execution (PYTHON-71)
- Return from Cluster.connect() when first contact point
connection(pool) is opened (PYTHON-105)
- cqlengine: Add ContextQuery to allow cqlengine models to switch
the keyspace context easily (PYTHON-598)
- Standardize Validation between Ascii and Text types in Cqlengine
Bug Fixes
- Fix geventreactor with SSL support (PYTHON-600)
- Don't downgrade protocol version if explicitly set (PYTHON-537)
- Nonexistent contact point tries to connect indefinitely
- Execute_concurrent can exceed max recursion depth in failure
mode (PYTHON-585)
- Libev loop shutdown race (PYTHON-578)
- Include aliases in DCT type string (PYTHON-579)
- cqlengine: Comparison operators for Columns (PYTHON-595)
- cqlengine: disentangle default_time_to_live table option from
model query default TTL (PYTHON-538)
- cqlengine: pk__token column name issue with the equality
operator (PYTHON-584)
- cqlengine: Fix "__in" filtering operator converts True to string
"True" automatically (PYTHON-596)
- cqlengine: Avoid LWTExceptions when updating columns that are
part of the condition (PYTHON-580)
- cqlengine: Cannot execute a query when the filter contains all
columns (PYTHON-599)
- cqlengine: routing key computation issue when a primary key
column is overriden by model inheritance (PYTHON-576)