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CVS Commit History:

   2024-02-01 12:18:39 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
devel/ast-grep: update to 0.18.1

- Breaking change: refactor: use more concise name [`6a4a17c`]

[0.18.0] - 30 January 2024
- Breaking change: refactor: remove IndentSensitive trait [#868]
- feat: add support for rewriters [#855]
- Breaking change: refactor: rename RuleWithConstraints to RuleCore [#862]
- feat: move fix to SerializableRuleCore [#859]
- Breaking change: refactor: remove MetaVarMatchers [beb6f50]
- Breaking change: feat: move fixer to RuleCore [8a43a26]
- Breaking change: refactor: move language out of SerializableRuleCore [c5e0dc8]
- Breaking change: refactor: remove Content generic from Fixer [87bbf93]
- Breaking change: feat: improve get_fixer signature [e629e0f]
- Breaking change: refactor: make TemplateFix non-generic [0f462a5]
- feat: migrate constraints to Rule [230ee9c]
- refactor: move SerializableRuleCore to rule_core mod [3a303c1]
   2024-01-13 20:30:50 by pin | Files touched by this commit (5)
Log message:
devel/ast-grep: import package

Packaged by wiz@ in wip.

ast-grep(sg) is a CLI tool for code structural search, lint, and

ast-grep is a AST-based tool to search code by pattern code. Think it
as your old-friend grep but it matches AST nodes instead of text. You
can write patterns as if you are writing ordinary code. It will match
all code that has the same syntactical structure. You can use $ sign +
upper case letters as wildcard, e.g. $MATCH, to match any single AST
node. Think it as REGEX dot ., except it is not textual.

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