2021-10-26 12:20:11 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (3016) |
Log message: archivers: Replace RMD160 checksums with BLAKE2s checksums All checksums have been double-checked against existing RMD160 and SHA512 hashes Could not be committed due to merge conflict: devel/py-traitlets/distinfo The following distfiles were unfetchable (note: some may be only fetched conditionally): ./devel/pvs/distinfo pvs-3.2-solaris.tgz ./devel/eclipse/distinfo eclipse-sourceBuild-srcIncluded-3.0.1.zip |
2021-10-07 15:44:44 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (3017) |
Log message: devel: Remove SHA1 hashes for distfiles |
2021-05-03 21:01:21 by Masatake Daimon | Files touched by this commit (475) |
Log message: *: Bump PKGREVISION for ghc-9.0.1 |
2021-04-23 11:07:28 by Masatake Daimon | Files touched by this commit (4) |
Log message: Update to safe-0.3.19 0.3.19, released 2020-05-24 * #30, undeprecate maximumDef and friends, fold*1Def |
2020-05-11 19:52:21 by Roland Illig | Files touched by this commit (190) |
Log message: hs-*: add PLIST files These PLIST files have been autogenerated by mk/haskell.mk using HS_UPDATE_PLIST=yes during a bulk build. They will help to track changes to the packages. The Haskell packages didn't have PLIST files because their paths contained package hashes. These hashes are now determined by mk/haskell.mk, which makes it easy to generate easy to read PLIST files. |
2020-01-02 08:19:23 by Masatake Daimon | Files touched by this commit (4) |
Log message: Update to safe-0.3.18 0.3.18, released 2019-12-04 #27, deprecate maximumDef and friends, fold*1Def #27, add maximumBounded and friends Stop supporting GHC 7.4 to 7.8 0.3.17, released 2018-03-09 Improve the display of errors, less internal callstack Add a few missing Partial constraints 0.3.16, released 2018-01-06 #22, add Safe index 0.3.15, released 2017-06-18 Support QuickCheck 2.10 0.3.14, released 2017-02-15 #20, fix for GHC 7.10.1 0.3.13, released 2017-02-09 #20, require GHC 7.4 or above 0.3.12, released 2017-02-05 #19, add Safe.Partial exposing a Partial typeclass #19, add support for GHC call stacks 0.3.11, released 2017-01-22 #16, add Safe succ and pred #16, add readEitherSafe for better errors than readEither #14, add Safe zip3Exact 0.3.10, released 2016-11-08 #15, add Safe cycle 0.3.9, released 2015-05-09 #9, add Safe toEnum 0.3.8, released 2014-08-10 #8, remove unnecessary Ord constraints from Foldable functions |
2015-11-03 04:29:40 by Alistair G. Crooks | Files touched by this commit (1995) |
Log message: Add SHA512 digests for distfiles for devel category Issues found with existing distfiles: distfiles/eclipse-sourceBuild-srcIncluded-3.0.1.zip distfiles/fortran-utils-1.1.tar.gz distfiles/ivykis-0.39.tar.gz distfiles/enum-1.11.tar.gz distfiles/pvs-3.2-libraries.tgz distfiles/pvs-3.2-linux.tgz distfiles/pvs-3.2-solaris.tgz distfiles/pvs-3.2-system.tgz No changes made to these distinfo files. Otherwise, existing SHA1 digests verified and found to be the same on the machine holding the existing distfiles (morden). All existing SHA1 digests retained for now as an audit trail. |
2014-08-29 16:08:42 by Ryosuke Moro | Files touched by this commit (61) |
Log message: make it clear what package depend on discussed with wiz@. |
2014-08-02 23:40:17 by Ryosuke Moro | Files touched by this commit (5) |
Log message: Import safe-0.3.7 as devel/hs-safe, packaged for wip. A library wrapping Prelude/Data.List functions that can throw exceptions, such as head and !!. Each unsafe function has up to four variants, e.g. with tail: * tail :: [a] -> [a], raises an error on tail []. * tailMay :: [a] -> Maybe [a], turns errors into Nothing. * tailDef :: [a] -> [a] -> [a], takes a default to return on errors. * tailNote :: String -> [a] -> [a], takes an extra argument which supplements the error message. * tailSafe :: [a] -> [a], returns some sensible default if possible, [] in the case of tail. This package is divided into three modules: * Safe contains safe variants of Prelude and Data.List functions. * Safe.Foldable contains safe variants of Foldable functions. * Safe.Exact creates crashing versions of functions like zip (errors if the lists are not equal) and take (errors if there are not enough elements), then wraps them to provide safe variants. |