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History of commit frequency

CVS Commit History:

   2014-05-30 01:38:20 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (3049)
Log message:
Bump for perl-5.20.0.
Do it for all packages that
* mention perl, or
* have a directory name starting with p5-*, or
* depend on a package starting with p5-
like last time, for 5.18, where this didn't lead to complaints.
Let me know if you have any this time.
   2013-12-09 15:17:56 by OBATA Akio | Files touched by this commit (238)
Log message:
Fix/Update DEPENDS paterns for perl CORE modules, with some trivial fixes.

Bump PKGREVISION for runtime dependency pattern changed packages.
   2013-05-31 14:42:58 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2880)
Log message:
Bump all packages for perl-5.18, that
a) refer 'perl' in their Makefile, or
b) have a directory name of p5-*, or
c) have any dependency on any p5-* package

Like last time, where this caused no complaints.
   2012-10-31 12:19:55 by Aleksej Saushev | Files touched by this commit (1460)
Log message:
Drop superfluous PKG_DESTDIR_SUPPORT, "user-destdir" is default these days.
   2012-10-03 23:59:10 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2798)
Log message:
Bump all packages that use perl, or depend on a p5-* package, or
are called p5-*.

I hope that's all of them.
   2011-08-14 14:26:51 by OBATA Akio | Files touched by this commit (406)
Log message:
Revision bump after updating perl5 to 5.14.1.
   2010-09-04 14:09:54 by Jens Rehsack | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Updating devel/svk from 2.2.1nb2 to 2.2.3

pkgsrc changes:
- add license definition
- clean-up and sort dependencies

Upstream changes:
[Changes for 2.2.3 - 21 Mar, 2010]
  Fix META.yml.

[Changes for 2.2.2 - 10 Mar, 2010]
  Subversion 1.6.x compatiblity fixes.
   2010-08-21 18:37:14 by Stoned Elipot | Files touched by this commit (1724) | Package updated
Log message:
Bump the PKGREVISION for all packages which depend directly on perl,
to trigger/signal a rebuild for the transition 5.10.1 -> 5.12.1.

The list of packages is computed by finding all packages which end
or PERL5_PACKLIST defined in their make setup (tested via
"make show-vars VARNAMES=..."), minus the packages updated after
the perl package update.

sno@ was right after all, obache@ kindly asked and he@ led the
way. Thanks!
   2009-04-12 01:15:22 by Jens Rehsack | Files touched by this commit (34)
Log message:
PkgSrc changes:
  - removed packages p5-IO-Compress-Base, p5-IO-Compress-Zlib,
    p5-IO-Compress-Bzip2 and p5-Compress-Zlib because they are
    merged into p5-IO-Compress
  - Updated dependend packages to depend on p5-IO-Compress
    and bump PKGREVISION

Upstream changes:
  2.017 30 March 2009

      * Merged IO-Compress-Base, IO-Compress-Bzip2, IO-Compress-Zlib &
        Compress-Zlib into IO-Compress.
      * The interface to Compress-Raw-Zlib now uses the new LimitOutput
        feature. This will make all of the zlib-related IO-Compress modules
        less greedy in their memory consumption.
      * Removed MAN3PODS from Makefile.PL
      * A few changes to get the test harness to work on VMS courtesy of
        Craig. A. Berry.
      * IO::Compress::Base & IO::Uncompress::Base
        Downgraded some croaks in the constructors to just set $! (by letting
        the code attempt to open a file and fail).
        This makes the behavior more consistent to a standard open.
        [RT #42657]
      * IO::Uncompress::Base
        Doing a seek with MultiStream could drop some of the uncompressed
        data. Fixed.
      * IO::Compress::Zip
        - Fixed problem with the uncompressed & uncompressed fields when
          zip64 is enabled. They were set to 0x0000FFFF instead of
          0xFFFFFFFF. Also the ZIP64 extra field was 4 bytes short.
          Problem spotted by Dino Chiesa.
      * IO::Uncompress::Unzip
        - use POSIX::mktime instead of Time::Local::timelocal to convert
          the zip DOS time field into Unix time.
      * Compress::Zlib
        - Documented Compress::Zlib::zlib_version()
   2008-11-18 00:33:37 by Christoph Badura | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
Update SVK to 2.2.1.

Changes since 2.0.2 are:

[Changes for 2.2.1 - 22 Oct, 2008]

  Fix the incorrect version information in META.yml

  Mirror subsystem
    * Fix memory leak for bootstrapping mirrors.

[Changes for 2.2.0 - 17 Sep, 2008]

  New features
    * Branch support as 'svk branch' subcommand
    * SVKBATCHMODE environment variable

    * Require Time::Progress

  Mirror subsystem
    * New bootstrap option to initialize a mirror from an svn dump
      file, which can be an URL stored on the svk:dump-url property on
      the server
    * When committing or merging to a mirror, avoid roundtripping
      the latest revision (requires Subversion 1.5)
    * Fix a bug when mirroring a copy revision with unnormalized
      revision outside mirror anchor and newer th an anchor head
    * Fix URI escape issues for pushing changes to mirrors
    * Support mirroring a source that was renamed from somewhere else
    * Fix svk sync where a copy is made from revisions condensed with
      snapshot made by previous sync --skipto

  Merge subsystem
    * Bugfixes for opened file handle passed to editor under win32,
      causing file to be opened as read-only
    * Fix a problem that merge-ticket might be reverted on mirror
      in some cases
    * Fix a bug when merging a copy with modification to the copied
      source, it might cause checksum error
    * Addition of equality check for merge tickets
    * Better conflict handling that remembers the type of conflict,
      handling of data from the merge editor


    * Test coverage for offlining existing branches (both offline and
    * TODO tests for renaming of an intermediate branch tracking
    * Test coverage for pulling into a branch from a local branch
    * Test coverage for checking out to a path from svk br --checkout
    * Test coverage for modifying property changes (including conflicts)
    * Fixed tests for baseless smerge
    * Test coverage for switching a branch and proper handling of
      merge tickets

    * General Documentation cleanup
    * Documentation for SVK::Info properly matches expected output
    * Conversion to use SVK::Log (and Log::Log4perl) for output
    * Add an option of '0' to select "No project" if there is not a
      project to use while mirroring a new URI
    * svk will not set property status as modified when a path is added or
    * svk now stores known conflict types (provided by merge editor) in
      .conflict property
    * General usability for working with files no longer exists in HEAD

  svk commit
    * A property may have a conflict when the node is ok, so combine
      them in the target list

  svk merge
    * Don't write to the log if it is a check run, regardless of -l option

  svk resolved
    * svk resolved will resolve all conflicts in a checkout path

  svk update
    * Add custom svk:merge property resolver handler to handle merging
      of merge tickets properly

    * svk will not clobber upstream Log::Log4perl configurations

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