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CVS Commit History:

   2012-07-09 16:05:52 by Min Sik Kim | Files touched by this commit (4)
Log message:
Import tex-luatexbase-0.31 as devel/tex-luatexbase.

The bundle provides basic facilities for LuaTeX macro
programmers, mostly resource allocation and convenience
packages. Provided are: - luatexbase-attr: attribute
allocation; - luatexbase-cctb: catcode table allocation; -
luatexbase-compat: compatibility helpers; - luatexbase-loader:
Lua module loading; - luatexbase-modutils: Lua module
declaration; - luatexbase-mcb: callbacks extension; and -
luatexbase-regs: allocation of registers and the like. In
addition, the (unadorned) luatexbase package loads all the
above in one fell swoop.

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