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CVS Commit History:

   2022-12-15 23:28:47 by Nikita | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
editors/neovim: update to version 0.8.1

Changelog (taken from

    extmarks: Allow preventing spellchecking with spell = false
    spell: Support nospell in treesitter queries
    man: Add health check
    docs-html: Try to use tags for ToC headings
Bug Fixes
    ui: Setting 'cmdheight' with global statusline
    ui: Fix highlights not being updated with 'winhl'
    Make_filter_cmd for :! powershell
    :! pwsh redirection for command not found
    Find multibyte file name in line
    Avoid unsigned overflow in home_replace()
    docs-html: Update parser
    folds: Fix fold marker multibyte comparison
    health: Correct tmux rgb verification
    man.lua: Set modifiable before writing page
    mouse: Ensure no scrolling with "ver:0" in 'mousescroll'
    paste: Feed keys as typed in cmdline mode
    qflist: Avoid read of uninitialized memory
    spell: Fix wrong cast
    stdpath: Default to /tmp if stdpath('run') cannot be created
    tui: Resume main thread if suspending isn't implemented
    lsp: Vim.lsp.range_code_action() is not deprecated

Breaking changes
    Remove 'insertmode' 'remap' and 'terse' options
    highlight: Rename attributes to match Vim (#19159)
    highlight: Error on invalid names and allow '.' and '@'
    terminal: Drop winpty, require Windows 10 (version 1809 or later) #18253
    treesitter: Use style highlight groups
    treesitter: Do not merge queries by default (#20105)
    runtime: Enable filetype.lua by default (#19216)
    Add undo!
    Add "prerelease" to version dict
    Click support for 'statusline', 'winbar' #18650
    Add preview functionality to user commands
    allow Cmdheight=0 (EXPERIMENTAL) #16251
    Stdpath('run'), /tmp/nvim.user/ #18993
    Add 'mousescroll' option (#12355)
    Allow :wincmd to accept a count (#19815)
    Multibuffer preview support for inccommand
    Man: Port to Lua (#19912)
    api: Ui options relevant for remote TUI
    api: Add nvim_parse_cmd And nvim_cmd
    api: Support handling stdin stream in remote ui
    api: Add group_name to nvim_get_autocmds
    api: Enable nvim_exec_autocmds to pass arbitrary data (#18613)
    api: Support pattern array for exec_autocmds
    api: Add unsilent to command APIs
    api: Add replace_keycodes to nvim_set_keymap (#19598)
    api: Add support for :horizontal modifier
    api: Add "move" to nvim_input_mouse
    api/ui: "ui_watched" option for ui-side extmarks
    build: Add_glob_target runs only on changed files #19070
    checkhealth: Check for slow shell #17829
    defaults: Session data in $XDG_STATE_HOME #15583
    defaults: Search selection by * and # in visual mode (#18538)
    defaults: Nnoremap & :&& #19365
    defaults: enable mouse by default (set mouse=nvi) #19290
    diagnostic: Pass diagnostics as data to DiagnosticChanged autocmd (#20173)
    docs: Gen_help_html.lua
    edit: Insert an unsimplified key using CTRL-SHIFT-V
    treesitter: Full support for spelling
    filetype: Convert more patterns to filetype.lua
    filetype: Remove side effects from vim.filetype.match (#18894)
    filetype: Expand environment variables in filetype patterns (#20145)
    fs: Add vim.fs functions: parents() dirname() basename() dir() find() normalize()
    highlight: Implement CurSearch highlight
    highlight: Support scoped @spam.eggs.baked_beans groups
    input: Delay all simplifications
    l10n: Turkish translations #19441
    l10n: Improve zh_CN translations (#19483)
    lsp: Remove capabilities sanitization (#17814)
    lsp: Show feedback on empty hover response (#18308)
    lsp: Options to filter and auto-apply code actions (#18221)
    lsp: Add vim.lsp.buf.format (#18193)
    lsp: Add logging level "OFF" (#18379)
    lsp: Add LspAttach and LspDetach autocommands
    lsp: Add filter to vim.lsp.get_active_clients()
    lsp: Option to reuse_win for jump actions (#18577)
    lsp: Add a start function (#18631)
    lsp: Send didChangeConfiguration after init (#18847)
    lsp: Defaults: tagfunc, omnifunc, formatexpr (#19003, #19677)
    lsp: Allow passing custom list handler to LSP functions that return lists \ 
    lsp: Provide feedback if server can't compute rename result (#19546)
    lsp: Add range option to code_action; deprecate range_code_action (#19551)
    lsp: Disable exit_timeout by default (#19672)
    lsp: Add tcp support
    lua: Vim.deprecate() #18320
    lua: Vim.cmd() with kwargs acts like nvim_cmd() #18523
    lua: Allow some vim script functions to run in fast callbacks
    lua: Measure require in --startuptime
    lua: Allow vim.cmd to be indexed (#19238)
    lua: Print source locations of lua callbacks (#19597)
    lua: Add vim.iconv (#18286)
    lua: Vim.ui_attach to get ui events from lua (EXPERIMENTAL)
    man.vim: List command flags in "gO" outline #17558
    mappings: Do not replace existing mapping for simplified form
    mappings: Allow special keys and modifiers in mapping
    mapset: Support restoring "replace_keycodes" and "desc"
    mapset: Support restoring Lua callback (#20024)
    marks: Restore viewport on jump #15831
    nvim_create_user_command: Pass structured modifiers to commands
    pum: Pretend 'mousemoveevent' is set when showing right-click menu
    server: Set $NVIM, unset $NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS #11009
    server: Instance "name", store pipes in stdpath(state)
    term: Add support for libvterm >= 0.2
    terminal: Implement <c-> for terminal mode
    terminal: Recognize underdouble and undercurl
    terminfo: Bump built-in terminfo entries (#18570)
    treesitter: Allow customizing language symbol name
    treesitter: Add ability to retreive a tree/node given a range
    treesitter: Upstream node methods from nvim-treesitter
    treesitter: Include language in invalid query error (#14053)
    treesitter: Bundle Lua parser and queries
    treesitter: Add viml parser and queries
    treesitter: Add injections
    treesitter: Add vim.treesitter.start(), enable for Lua
    treesitter: Bundle :help parser and queries
    tui: Query terminal for CSI u support (#18181)
    tui: Recognize keypad keys when using kitty keyboard protocol
    tui: Try terminfo for [re]set_cursor_color OSC #19255
    tui: Allow grid and host to disagree on ambiguous-width chars (#19686)
    tui: Recognize sidescroll events (#19992)
    tui: Support 'mousemoveevent'
    ui: Add 'winbar'
    ui: Clear message history explicitly with msg_history_clear event
    ui: Make right-click menu work properly with ext_multigrid
    ui: Allow to set the highlight namespace per window
    ui: Use msg_grid based implementation for cmdheight=0
    ui-ext: Make 'mousemoveevent' a ui_option
    eval: Make Lua Funcref work as method and in substitute() (#20217)
    eval: Input() support any type for "cancelreturn" in a dict (#19357)
Bug Fixes
    Show autocmd output when F is in shortmess (#18251)
    Has() should preserve v:shell_error #18280
    Suppress "is a directory" messages with shortmess 'F' (#18296)
    Display global statusline correctly with ext_messages
    Correct nlua_wait error message #18867
    Right-click in clickable statusline #19252
    Remote UI may get invalid 'pumblend' value #19379
    Assertion failure when requiring missing module in autocmd
    api: Nvim_eval_statusline should validate input #18347
    api: Check error after getting win/buf handle (#19052)
    api: Check for inclusive buffer line index out of bounds correctly (#19056)
    api: Change default value of 'pattern' in nvim_exec_autocmds (#19115)
    api: Do not switch win/buf if getting option in current win/buf (#19383)
    api: Make nvim_set_hl(ns=0, ...) redraw screen properly
    api: Nvim_set_hl bail out on invalid group name (#20021)
    api: Notify dict watchers on nvim_set_var and vim.g setter
    api/command: Fargs behavior when no arguments are passed (#19862)
    autocmds: Separate command from desc (#18617)
    buffer: Disable buffer-updates before removing from window #18933
    build: Missing definitions for sizeof macros #16393
    build: Only pass -municode if MINGW #19049
    build: Strip trailing newline from variable (#19084)
    build: Don't disable byte precompilation on debug builds
    build: Fails if git is missing #19366
    charclass: Make behavior with empty str match latest Vim (#19749)
    checkhealth: Skip #18816
    ci: Remove 2000ms blocking wait in many plugin/lsp_spec.lua tests
    cmd: Make :-tabmove work with modifiers (#18447)
    cmdheight=0: Various issues part3 #19816
    cmdline: Fix passing -1 as char
    cmdline: Trigger CmdlineEnter and ModeChanged earlier (#19474)
    cmdline: Do not trigger completion at wrong time (#19920)
    cmdline: Don't send invalid cursor with incsearch and cmdheight=0
    column: Move sign sentinel after inserting/de...
   2022-08-30 17:41:11 by Benny Siegert | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Update neovim to 0.7.2.

introduce $NVIM, unset $NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS

feat(api): add `group_name` to `nvim_get_autocmds`
feat(api): add `group_name` to `nvim_get_autocmds`
feat(tui): query terminal for CSI u support

Plus a long list of bugfixes.
   2022-04-20 20:32:33 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (4) | Package updated
Log message:
editors: Add neovim. Based on the pkgsrc-wip package (although
with an update, lots of changes, and unncessary stuff removed).

Thanks to Claes Nästén, snow flurry, kamil, and others.

Neovim is a project that seeks to aggressively refactor the "Vim"
text editor in order to:

* Simplify maintenance and encourage contributions
* Split the work between multiple developers
* Enable advanced UIs without modifications to the core
* Maximize extensibility

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